Info for Guest Authors and Contributing Writers
Welcome! Guest Authors!
Glad to See you!
Hello REBT Mates!
Rex here. We don’t intend for this page to be intimidating. It is our goal to make the process of joining us as a Guest Author as easy and simple as possible. However, the following may be useful, and you are welcome to refer back to it later on whenever you like.
If you don’t care to read all the “fine print” you may Click Here to skip directly to the Guest Author signup form. |
Don’t want to be a Guest Author or Contributing Writer? Click here to QUICK sign up as a Regular Member |
We value your ideas as a Guest Author or Contributing Writer
Founded in 2012, REBT Info is a blog about REBT-CBT and related subjects fitting broadly under the big tent of psychology, philosophy, and personal growth, ideally close to the epicenter of REBT-CBT but also embracing the various cognitive behavior therapies, Positive Psychology, and “third wave” behavior therapies such as ACT, DLT, exposure/de-sensitization, also Mindfulness, General Semantics and ePrime, as well as Stoic Philosophy. As we said, a big tent.
Although we enjoy having an REBT Info presence on facebook, social media’s downside is existing as an endless stream of chatter (some of it good, some not so good, and much of it just pure crap) that emerges and then disappears almost as quickly as it emerges, very much like a conversation around the breakroom table that is stimulating, but soon gone and sooner forgotten.
We didn’t want that. We wanted to have not only a thriving community of people with similar interests but also an enduring, permanent archive and searchable database of material related to REBT-CBT, et al available to a general audience as well as students, fans, researchers, educators and practitioners. In my opinion, we have succeeded admirably in that regard. Unfortunately, as of this writing, 19 Oct 2017, most of the articles are the pearls issuing forth from my big, fat mouth alone! We never intended that. However, running a multiple author blog is labor intensive and tricky technically. When WordPress was first developed, it was conceived of primarily as a personal blog or diary and did not do a very good job of baking in facilities for multiple authors.
As you probably know, normally visitors to blogs are only allowed to read and comment on posts and articles. That has all changed, however, with some great add-on software, the process of creating and managing a multiple author blog has become much easier, not only for blog owners but for guest authors as well. Ta-da! You you may sign up as a Guest Author or Contributing Writer quickly and easily which will allow you to actually create and post articles, and have your own byline and an author bio box with links to your website and social media displayed at the bottom of all of your posts, something like this
TOS / Terms of Service Pretty basic stuff: No fussing, no fighting, no cussing, no spamming, no scamming, no blaming, no flaming, no hating, no bating, no trolling, no personal attacks. No pornography (Damn!). The Golden Rule applies. All content and information submitted become the property of REBT Info ( |
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Guest Authors probably have their own blog or website or other publication, and/or are published in a variety of other venues. They are likely to be professionals or aspiring professionals or graduate students with significant knowledge and expertise in the subject they are writing about. They will have an above-average command of the English Language and be capable of writing at or beyond the university level. Contributing writers on the other hand, may be “fans,” will have a good command of the English Language, submit posts that are free of typos, spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. They will have a strong interest in the subject, and be capable of writing thoughtful, relevant, engaging content that involves significantly more thought and attention to detail than, say, the average post on social media. Please use your SpellCheck and proof your article before posting. All submissions are subject to approval and may be minimally edited for spelling and punctuation. |
SUBJECT of POSTS Subject of posts should broadly fit under the big tent of psychology, philosophy, and personal growth. Ideally, however will be close to the epicenter of REBT-CBT and the various cognitive behavior therapies, Positive Psychology, and “third wave” behavior therapies such as ACT, DLT, exposure/de-sensitization, also Mindfulness, General Semantics and ePrime, as well as Stoic Philosophy. It is a pretty big tent. Readability: You may pitch your post to “civilians” or professionals, but please make your articles accessible and readable by a general audience. Needless to say, should be interesting, informative, educational and ideally inspiring. Format: Practical “how to” articles are most welcome. Lists seem to attract readers. For example “Ten tips for using CBT to spice-up your marriage.” Personal stories and “testimonials” work well too. For example, “How I overcame my fear of public speaking using REBT shame attacking exercises.” Comparing REBT-CBT to other approaches and forms of therapy are very helpful. |
We are grateful for your participation. These guidelines are not intended to be restrictive or off-putting. Rather, we hope that they will help you organize and focus your thinking and fit in nicely with our community. If you are ever uncertain, please check with me first
Thank you! ~Rex |
If you are ready, CLICK HERE to sign up
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