Are you open to…

Posted by on Thu 26 Dec 19 in |
Questions & AnswersAre you open to…
asked 5 years ago

Hi Rex,
Are you open to me writing an article on a definite cure for social anxiety, and why so many people are not seeing this issue clearly, especially the people who are trying to cure SAD?

Everyone I gave this natural remedy to cured themselves of SAD w/in two weeks, or less.

I had it for 27 years.
Less than 10 days later, I no longer have it.
The remedy balances out the entire collective unconscious in one shot, instead of the piecemeal approach others are taking when addressing SAD.
No hocus-pocus here,

Actually, it is very simple… all cells vibrate at a certain frequency… when in a healthy state. When they are imbalanced they vibrate in a discordant state. Therein lies the answer to almost all the mental aberrations that people feel today, including SAD. If you provide the body with a blueprint of what a healthy cellular terrain looks like, it will automatically vibrate to that state, as it has, built into it’s memory, what a healthy cell should vibrate at, what frequency or rate it once vibrated at before becoming discordant.
If the correct frequency was introduced to the (discordant) human body/energy field, it should/would help in the following ways:
social anxiety involving meeting and interacting with new people
self-consciousness, self-criticism, and self-judgment
feelings of inferiority or the worry from humiliation or embarrassment
the desire to commit suicide due to severe depression
performance anxiety (including in the bedroom)
nervous energy, worry, difficulty concentrating, mental fatigue, foggy-headedness, unable to think clearly
profound loss of self-worth, where everything is perceived through a veil of worthlessness and hopelessness
over sensitivity as to what others say about them
depression, emotional exhaustion; mood swings; stress/tension headaches
self-doubt about one’s capacity to cope with life
fear of public speaking, feeling of terror; fear that one is going to lose control of oneself and do something dreadful, such as injuring others or harming oneself, fear of going mad and acting irrationally
free-floating anxiety: an uneasy feeling that something unpleasant or frightening is going to happen, a sense of foreboding
panic attacks/panicky feelings and apprehension associated with everyday life; emotional fatigue and irritability
insomnia due to racing mind, overactive mental chatter
helps dispel paranoia
helps restores inner calm during stressful moments or periods of worry or hysteria
helps prevent disturbing thoughts, ideas, arguments from entering the mind
helps alleviate mental torture, fear of loneliness, fear of the dark, and fear of being imperfect
helps one deal with depression and agitated behavior following an upsetting experience
helps relieve nervous tension such as nail biting, compulsions, addictive behaviors
helps ground one during periods of anger, out-of-control feelings, mistrust, or suspicion
helps those who are particularly sensitive to negative thoughts and emotions
helps one focus in situations of panic or terror
helps one feel more supported/courageous
helps one overcome feelings of great anguish and restlessness
helps one deal with the fear of death and of being left alone
helps one overcome shyness
helps check the need or desire to defend oneself against a perceived slight or attack
helps one deal with the following disorders: OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; GAD- Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Agoraphobia, PTSD-Post Traumatic Stress Disorders; PD-Panic Disorders, various phobias
helps during emotional distress when the cause is from fright, fear, or an accident
helps calm the nerves prior to public speaking, before a romantic encounter, job interview, exam, motor vehicle driving test, etc.
helps one overcome the feeling of loss such as: status, a treasured possession, or a loved one (relative, friend, pet, or lover)
helps one deal with prolonged grief or bereavement, a “broken heart” or when “love­sick”
helps one overcome the feeling that they’ve failed someone or failed in their duty
helps one overcome low spirits, coupled with a feeling of indifference towards others
helps liberate oneself from negative or limiting subconscious beliefs and thoughts
helps disrupt debilitating emotional patterns
helps one snap out of the feeling that life is “not fair”
helps one stop brooding or wallowing in their despondent mood(s)
helps manage nervous airplane travel and the fear (or phobia) of flying
helps extreme mental anguish, hopeless despair, intense sorrow
helps strengthens one’s auric field and provides protection from negative influences of all kinds, including psychic attack, negative thought forms, and negative thoughts from other people
helps maintain positive energetic boundaries
helps minimize the habit of second-guessing oneself
help diminish anxiety-induced heart palpitations or rapid heartbeat
helps stop reoccurring negative thoughts
helps one emerge out of a pessimistic state or melancholic mood
helps one overcome the fear that others will see through them
helps with feelings of deep anger and indignation after a hurtful act that violates your boundaries

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