About this Blog
What the heck is this place ???
(This is a work in progress and will be modified as time and interest permit)
This is a place for both “civilians” (lay people) and professionals to discuss, explore, share, teach and learn about Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (REBT-CBT) and related topics. This is NOT the place to get therapy, but there are lots of members who are happy to help you learn more about and apply the principles of REBT/CBT and related processes in your own life. However, please note our disclaimer:
Disclaimer: This website blog, its contents and related media are intended for educational, informational and entertainment purposes only, and are made available to you as self-help tools for your own use, and are not intended or implied as therapy or for the treatment of any condition, nor is it to be used as a substitute for treatment by a qualified health care or mental health care professional. |
This is a public blog. Anything you post may be viewed by the public. Therefore, do not post anything you wish to remain private. |
Founded in 2012, REBT Info is a blog about Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (REBT-CBT) and related subjects fitting broadly under the big tent of psychology, philosophy, and personal growth, ideally close to the epicenter of REBT-CBT but also embracing the various cognitive behavior therapies, Positive Psychology, and “third wave” behavior therapies such as ACT, DLT, exposure/de-sensitization, also Mindfulness, General Semantics and ePrime, as well as Stoic Philosophy. As we said, a big tent.
Although we enjoy having an REBT Info presence on facebook, social media’s downside is existing as an endless stream of chatter (some of it good, some not so good, and much of it just pure crap) that emerges and then disappears almost as quickly as it emerges, very much like a conversation around the breakroom table that may be stimulating, but is soon gone and sooner forgotten.
We didn’t want that. We wanted to have not only a thriving community of people with similar interests but also an enduring, permanent archive and searchable database of material related to REBT-CBT, et al available to students, fans, researchers, educators and practitioners. In my opinion, we have succeeded admirably in that regard. Unfortunately, as of this writing, 19 Oct 2017, most of the articles are the pearls issuing forth from my big, fat mouth alone! We never intended that. However, running a multiple author blog is labor intensive and tricky technically. When WordPress was first developed, it was conceived of primarily as a personal blog or diary and did not do a very good job of baking in facilities for multiple authors. Happily, now WordPress has evolved and with some great add-on software we are taking the next step in our evolution and creating a multiple author blog that is easy to manage and use for both the blog owners as well as the guest authors.
Thanks for your participation. We are glad you are here and look forward to organically growing our community together. Always feel free to contact me with any questions or if there is anything I can do to be helpful. Rex@REBTinfo.com
Warm regards,
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- MUST I have what I want? - Tue 18 Feb 25
- REBT, Mindfulness, Behaviorism potpourri - Tue 18 Feb 25
- Baby I Need Your Lovin’ . . .Really? - Mon 17 Feb 25