Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 10 Oct 24 in Rational Thinking, REBT, REBT & Other therapies compared |

REBTraining teaches you how to get more of what you want 
and less of what you don’t want


Click to find out how…


Originally posted 2019-02-10 06:03:12.



What is REBT?

Posted by Will Ross on Mon 22 Jul 24 in Acceptance, Basics, Guest Author, Guilt & Shame, Happiness, Rating, ULA, UOA, USA, What is REBT - CBT? |

This post is pinned to the top. Scroll down for recent posts

Rational Emotive
Behavior Therapy
What the hell is it, anyway???

Click the blue  link below  for Will Ross’s excellent, easy-to-follow explanation . . .

Click here to read more and add your comments or ask a question because we LOVE hearing from you!


Originally posted 2013-03-27 18:01:44.

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Read “Enlightenment Now” Now!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 15 Oct 24 in Books & Media, bookshop, Rational living, Rational Thinking, Read any good books lately? |


If you read one book this year, read Steven Pinker’s “Enlightenment Now.” Please! More than any book I have read, this one exposes how the despair, nastiness, anger and masochism characteristic of today’s social-cultural-political climate is irrational, manufactured and simply based on incorrect information. ~Rex 


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Originally posted 2018-10-01 06:33:40.

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New book on rational drinking!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 15 Oct 24 in Addictions, Alcoholism, Compulsions, Books & Media, Rational Thinking |
I am very pleased to remind you of a book by my friends Dr. Michael Edelstein (left) and the late Will Ross (right)*, two people eminently qualified to teach us about how distorted thinking and irrational beliefs lead to excessive, self-destructive behaviors such as alcoholism and drug addictions.


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Originally posted 2013-01-11 18:53:48.

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Look, I realize our banner must seem pretty demanding, but it really isn’t a “demand,” A just a strong preference! hehehehe . . .  Just a little (very little) REBT humor for you!   Click to continue reading, leave a comment or ask a question. We LOVE hearing from YOU!


Originally posted 2017-06-20 06:30:54.


Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 14 Oct 24 in Books & Media, bookshop, Demanding, musterbation, Uncategorized, Videos |

Prince Ea finally admits to being a chronic musterbator!

Are you one too?

Click because you want to watch this amazing video and find out . . .

Click to watch this great video, leave a comment or ask a question because we LOVE hearing from YOU!


Originally posted 2019-09-20 20:37:27.

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Stoic Philosophy and REBT

  The gods have released you from accountability for your parents, your siblings, your body, your possessions – for death and for life itself. They made you responsible only for what is in your power – the proper use of impressions. So why take on the burden of matters which you cannot answer for? You are only making unnecessary problems for yourself.”                           ~Epictetus

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Originally posted 2017-07-12 00:14:10.

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Ten Pounds of Shit in a Five Pound Bag?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 13 Oct 24 in Acceptance, Addictions, Alcoholism, Compulsions, Perfectionism, Procrastination |

Q: The intense Mr. X writes about a pattern of trying to “put 10 pounds of shit into a five pound bag,” that is, making unrealistic plans, and then feeling frustrated,  and anxious about not accomplishing what he set out to do.  Sound familiar?



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Originally posted 2019-01-05 21:41:42.

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Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 12 Oct 24 in Uncategorized, z-monthly |
Hello REBT Mates!

As many of you know, two of the significant sources that Dr. Ellis drew upon in developing REBT were Stoicism and General Semantics (GS). Unfortunately, he doesn’t explore these system in any depth, but does refer to them in many of his books, acknowledging  them as important contributions. The threads of both systems are visibly woven throughout the tapestry of REBT for those who know how to look for them.

Read more…


Originally posted 2022-05-15 13:43:18.


Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 12 Oct 24 in Uncategorized |

I am working on this, but for now, enjoy the video and I’ll add the “meat and potatoes” later.


Originally posted 2019-12-22 09:37:28.


9 teaspoons of sugar in a can of Coke! Yuck!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 11 Oct 24 in Uncategorized |

Do you know that there are 39 grams (9.3 teaspoons) of sugar in a 12 ounce can of Coke? And there is a similar amount in other fizzy drinks as well.


Click to learn how you can make your own sparkling water for 25 cents per litre and help save the planet


Originally posted 2018-12-21 12:00:39.

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Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 11 Oct 24 in quotes, REBT & Other therapies compared |


The beginning of wisdom is learning to call a thing by its right name.

~Confucius, Chinese social philosopher and politician, 551-479 B.C., whose teachings deeply influenced East Asian life and thought.

Click to discuss this quote, leave a comment or ask a question because we LOVE hearing from YOU!


Originally posted 2019-05-23 21:04:41.

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