REBT Info Book & Media Shop




Welcome to our little bookshop showcasing REBT-CBT and related titles. We realize this is a modest effort that showcases only a limited sampling of all the possible titles and authors we might have included.  Still, it is a good starting place for you to gain a general sense of what is available in the field. Please enjoy.


When you buy items using the links on this website, we may get a small commission which keeps me in coffee, which keeps me working, which keeps me providing valuable content for you.  Thank you for your continuing support of REBT    ~Rex


If you are new to REBT-CBT, two great books to start with, followed by some hand-picked recommendations, also excellent for beginners:



Have you read any of these books? Please add a review or comment or question in the form at the bottom.  Thanks!









Have you read any of these books? Please add a review or comment or question in the form at the bottom.  Thanks!



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