

Michael Edelstein

Dr. Edelstein
has an in-person, Skype, and telephone therapy practice in San Francisco and Mill Valley, CA. He is the author of Three Minute Therapy, a self-help book for overcoming common emotional and behavioral problems, for which he has been awarded Author of the Year. The book was a Quality Paperback Book Club/Book-of-the-Month Club Selection, a Behavioral Sciences Book Service Book Club Selection, and an Albert Ellis Institute Selection.

His book, Stage Fright, includes interviews with Robin Williams, Jason Alexander, Melissa Etheridge, Maya Angelou, and others, relating their personal experiences and wisdom in coping with performance anxiety.

Rational Drinking: How to Live Happily With or Without Alcohol presents concepts, tools, and strategies for overcoming compulsive drinking.

His latest book, Therapy Breakthrough, is a history and critique of the psychotherapy movement from Sigmund Freud to Albert Ellis.



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