Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 25 Jul 19 in Announcements, zomit |

Happy 98th Birthday

Dr. Beck!


Happy 98th Birthday

Dr. Beck!

“It’s a testament to your vision… that the field has evolved so successfully… Your sharp mind, your continuing interest in Cognitive Therapy’s growth, and more particularly your wonderful way of welcoming and cultivating new young clinicians and researchers, have been inspirational. Thank you so much.”

Dr. Melanie Fennell
Clinical Psychologist, Oxford Mindfulness Center

Back in the 1970s, Dr. Aaron Beck’s study of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) was so revolutionary that no academic journal at the time would publish his findings.

So, he and his colleagues created their own journal to share this work with the world. Dr. Beck transformed psychotherapy, and changed countless lives in the process.

Five decades later, his impact remains tremendous.

This month we celebrated Dr. Beck’s 98th birthday. In his honor, we invite you to support the Aaron T. Beck Fund, which continues his work—with his passion—every year. 

Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy is a leading international source for training, therapy, and resources in CBT.

Want to support Beck Institute?

Gifts to the Aaron T. Beck Fund are fully tax-deductible. One-hundred percent of your contribution supports Beck Institute’s pioneering people and programs. 

Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy

One Belmont Ave, Suite 700, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

Thank you for your support! – is not affiliated with Dr. Beck or the  Beck Institute. However, we are pleased to provided these announcements as a community service.



Click to get to know more about Aaron Beck


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