Introducing RLC Rational Life Coaching
Sat 2 Jan 2016, 10:22 pm
Hi there REBT Mates!
I normally prefer to maintain just a little bit of decorum on this blog, and avoid posting stray dogs, stray thoughts, flashes of inspiration and what not until they have had a chance to gel just a bit and until I have had an opportunity to insure that what I am writing meets some basic standards of English usage. However, I am typing this as I think of it as I am eager to commit this to paper and make it a matter of public record.
In addition to REBT Info, we are now officially
RLC and/or
Rational Life Coaching
copyright © trademark [TM] 2016
Rex Alexander – REBTinfo, All Rights Reserved
So, what’s all the hubbub, Bub?
I was curious about all the references to life coaching that seem to be popping up everywhere in the media and on the internet these days. However, while the preliminary research I did online was intriguing, it left me with a lot of unanswered questions. So, I enrolled in two life coaching certification programs which after several weeks, I have just completed. I was curious about how much of life coaching was genuine and useful and how much of it I could apply to my REBT coaching and blogging. After all, REBT-CBT guys have always provided a lot of what amounts to coaching during the course of therapy. What I discovered was that there is a lot of silly junk associated with life coaching and a lot that is common sense valuable, and a lot that I can use in my personal life and in working with others. So, the challenge is how to separate the wheat from the chaff, as it were, eliminate all the “New Age Lite” froo-froo and provide coaching that is solid and truly useful to clients, and most importantly, rational.
I’ll have lots more to say in the weeks ahead. But you guys have just witnessed the birth of an idea. Let’s see how far it takes us.
Always feel free to contact me with any questions or if there is anything I can do to be helpful. I would love to hear you thoughts and reactions to this post.

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