Provider Directory
Sun 26 Jul 2015, 7:40 pm
I am embarrassed, guys! I note that as of this date, this page has been viewed nearly 2,000 times! I apologize. It is really bad form to give the impression that we are offering something, and then take you to a non-functioning feature.Â
However, be assured that one of the goals of REBT Info has been and is to have a comprehensive world-wide directory of therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, coaches, educators. The directory will not be exclusive, but needless to say, the emphasis is for those providers with an REBT-CBT orientation, also, ACT and the new behavior therapies, and mindfulness. We are also very interested in featuring those who provide services at a distance via Skype, telephone or some other online medium. This is a “brave new” area of mental health services, still in it’s infancy, and hopefully we can play a role in helping it to emerge more fully. It is very important to thousands of people who simply do not have access to mental health services, but don’t have a hope nor a prayer of hooking up with a good REBT-CBT provider.
Anyway, we have the software for the directly, and is is really sweet. Now, it is just a matter of designing and building the actual structure of the directory. Not a particularly difficult task, but very tedious and very time consuming. Then, of course, we have to populate it (add listings) which is another very large project in itself.
All I can say is that we will get around to it in due course, as we can. If there is a psych student out there who would like to volunteer for something important and worthy, please contact me. Perhaps is it something that can be folded into a school project for credit?
Meanwhile, we notice that Dr. Edelsetein has improvised and added a listing in the comments (below). I am glad he took the initiative to do that. Other providers are welcome to do so as well until we the the directory-proper up and running. Obviously the listings won’t be organized or in any particular order, but it couldn’t hurt to see some listings here.
e-mail with any questions.
- 9 teaspoons of sugar in a can of Coke!Yuck! - Sun 30 Mar 25