Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 10 Jan 20 in Albert Ellis Institute / AEI, Announcements, Uncategorized, zomit |


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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy


Upcoming Events

Primary Certificate Practicum in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy 

24 Continuing Education Credits/Contact Hours (APA, NBCC, New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work & Mental Health Counselors)

Led by: Raymond DiGiuseppe, Ph.D. & Kristene A. Doyle, Ph.D.

Dates: January 24-26, 2020; June 5-7, 2020

Location: 145 E. 32nd Street, 9th Fl., NY, NY 10016 

In this intense three day practicum, participants will learn the Rational Emotive Behavior theory of emotional disturbance and change by leading REBT practitioners. Strategies for identifying and challenging clients’ dysfunctional beliefs and constructing more adaptive beliefs, emotions and behaviors will be a focus of the weekend. REBT’s conceptualization of emotions and Common Errors new REBT therapists make will also be presented. Participants will have the opportunity to practice their REBT skills in small group supervision and receive immediate feedback from an experienced certified REBT supervisor.  

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How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable… by Albert Ellis




Evidence-Based Strategies for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

3 Continuing Education Credits/Contact Hours (APA, NBCC, New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work & Mental Health Counselors)

Led by: Michael Hickey, Ph.D.

Dates: February 28, 2020

Location: 145 E. 32nd Street, 9th Fl., NY, NY 10016 

This workshop will first review clinical and diagnostic characteristics of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Participants will be introduced to the rationale and effective implementation of cognitive-behavioral strategies based on the most recent research on effective treatment of OCD. Specifically, participants will learn how to conduct a proper functional assessment, collaborate with clients in constructing relevant exposure hierarchies, implement appropriate exposure and response prevention (ERP) interventions, and identify and gradually eliminate safety behaviors. Cognitive strategies based on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) principles will be integrated throughout the workshop as part of preparing for and maximizing the effectiveness of exposure therapy, as well as to address various unhealthy emotions that commonly co-occur with OCD (e.g., anger, depression, shame, etc.)

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Certificación Primary en Terapia Racional Emotiva y Cognitiva Conductual (3 Day Primary Certificate Practicum in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in Spanish)

24 Continuing Education Credits/Contact Hours (APA, NBCC, New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work & Mental Health Counselors)

Led by: Maria Celeste Airaldi & Natalia Ferrero

Dates: March 13-15, 2020

Location: 145 E. 32nd Street, 9th Fl., NY, NY 10016 

En estos tres días de curso intensivo, los participantes aprenderán la teoría de la Terapia Racional-Emotiva y Cognitiva Conductual de la perturbación emocional y el cambio a través de terapeutas TREC líderes. Durante el fin de semana, el Curso se enfocará en conocer estrategias para identificar y cuestionar las creencias disfuncionales de los pacientes y elaborar creencias, emociones y conductas más adaptadas. Del mismo modo se presentará la conceptualización de la TREC para las emociones y los errores comunes que los nuevos terapeutas TREC suelen cometer. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de practicar sus habilidades de la TREC & TCC a través de grupos de supervisión y recibir retroinformación inmediata de un supervisor certificado en TREC experimentado.

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Professional Skills Development: The Basics

3 Continuing Education Credits/Contact Hours (APA, NBCC, New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work & Mental Health Counselors)

Led by: Kristene A. Doyle, Ph. D.

Dates: March 27, 2020

Location: 145 E. 32nd Street, 9th Fl., NY, NY 10016 

In this interactive workshop, participants will have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of REBT’s theory of emotional and behavioral disturbance. Techniques for identifying and restructuring irrational beliefs will be taught, as well as generating homework assignments to reinforce session content. Strategies for motivating clients to agree on the goals and tasks of therapy will also be discussed. A live demonstration with a volunteer will bring the theory and its applications to light.

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Time-Limited Social Anxiety Group

Thursdays, March 12th – May 14th, 2020

● 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Led by: Michael Hickey, Ph.D. & Christina Eagle, LMHC

For more information please call 212.535.0822


Friday Night Live! @ AEI!

See how leading REBT psychologists help audience volunteers cope with their everyday problems, followed by questions and discussion. Difficulties addressed range from emotional and behavioral, family, work, and relationship challenges. Demonstrations are educational and stimulating!

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REBTinfo / REBTraining is not affiliated with AEI Albert Ellis Institute. However, we are please to provide this information as a public service.



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