Third wave cognitive behavioral therapies are a group of emerging approaches to psychotherapy that represent both an extension of and deviation from traditional cognitive behavioral treatment approaches. Third wave therapies prioritize the holistic promotion of health and well-being and are less focused on reducing psychological and emotional symptoms, although that typically is a “side-benefit.” Many of the strategies and interventions utilized in third wave cognitive behavioral therapies are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of traditional cognitive behavioral interventions, such as exposure therapy (e.g., systematic desensitization) and behavioral activation, with the ultimate goal of assisting people live and experience fuller, more satisfying lives.
These third wave therapies all, to some degree, abandon key assumptions associated with traditional cognitive therapy informed by emerging research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Concepts such as metacognition, acceptance, mindfulness, personal values, and spirituality are frequently incorporated into what might otherwise be considered traditional behavioral interventions.
Types of Third Wave Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ACT
Dialectical Behavior Therapy DBT
Metacognitive Therapy
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy MBCT
Grounded in an empirical, principle-focused approach, the third wave of behavioral and cognitive therapy is particularly sensitive to the context and functions of psychological phenomena, not just their form, and thus tends to emphasize contextual and experiential change strategies in addition to more direct and didactic ones. These treatments tend to seek the construction of broad, flexible and effective repertoires over an eliminative approach to narrowly defined problems, and to emphasize the relevance of the issues they examine for clinicians as well as clients. The third wave reformulates and synthesizes previous generations of behavioral and cognitive therapy and carries them forward into questions, issues, and domains previously addressed primarily by other traditions, in hopes of improving both understanding and outcomes.” (quote from Hayes, 2004).
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Third Wave
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ACT
Dialectical Behavior Therapy DBT
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy MBCT
Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation
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