How will I know if I am getting “real” CBT?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 13 Apr 24 in Books & Media, Read any good books lately? |


How will I know if I’m getting ‘real’ CBT Judith Beck, PhD answers . . .

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/A1F4oUoQIML._UX250_.jpgStructure of a CBT Session
Judith S. Beck, PhD

Every so often, I receive the following important question from consumers and potential clients who call our clinic at Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy in search of a referral:


“How will I know if I’m getting ‘real’ CBT?”

 I believe it’s important for patients to know what to expect in a typical cognitive behavior therapy session, not only so they can assess the treatment they’re receiving, but also so they’re prepared for therapy and understand and agree with how treatment typically proceeds.

This blog will address one important aspect of CBT: the structure of sessions . . .
Read the entire article on Huffington Press






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Originally posted 2017-07-09 21:58:37.

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