Fourth Intl Congress of REBT

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 7 Jul 19 in Albert Ellis Institute / AEI, Announcements, Events, zomit |
The Fourth Intel Congress of REBT
13-15 September 2019, Transylvania, Romania

The Congress is organized by the Albert Ellis Institute and supported by the International Institute for Advanced Study in Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health and the Romanian Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies (a member accredited for training by the European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies).
Our general objective is to explore how the legacy of Albert Ellis and REBT can impact and be better related to the present and the future of psychology. Therefore, the main aims of the present Congress are:
(1)   To bring together the REBT community to discuss the state of the art of REBT theory and practice;
(2)   To stimulate CBTs and other evidence-based psychotherapy professionals to participate in the Congress, to explore bridges and collaboration strategies with the goal of moving the field closer to a more integrative CBTs and/or evidence-based psychotherapy;
(3)   To stimulate professionals from the major fields of psychology and REBT to relate to each other (e.g., developmental/educational/school psychology to rational emotive education; work/organizational psychology to REBT/CBT coaching; pastoral/spiritual psychology to REBT pastoral counseling);
(4)   To encourage researchers from clinical cognitive neurogenetics sciences to participate in order to explore together the role of REBT in understanding human mind and behavior;
(5)   In addition, there will be meetings of the Directors of the 28 REBT Affiliated Training Centers from all over the world with the International Training Standards Committee that will focus on developing a strategic plan for the dissemination of REBT theory and practice.
A series of invited keynotes, workshops (invited), open papers-symposia/posters (self-proposed), and round tables/meet the experts section (invited), with outstanding academics and professionals, will cover the above mentioned aims. We will also honour the lifetime scientific/professional achievements of Professor, MD, PhD, Aaron T. Beck to the field of CBT and evidence-based psychotherapy, by a ceremony conferring him the Lifetime Science Award. 
We encourage you to disseminate the information about the congress, participate in the congress, and make applications for (1) open papers; (2) symposia (be them more theoretical or practical oriented); and (3) posters.
Thank you!
Professor Daniel David, Ph.D.
President of the Congress
Albert Ellis Institute | | 212-535-0822 |
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Originally posted 2019-01-24 21:24:04.

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