Professional Workshops
Overcoming Resistance: Skills for Treating Resistant, Unmotivated Patients, and Re-Establishing Alliance Ruptures
Leader: Raymond DiGiuseppe, Ph.D.
Friday, February 8, 2019
Time: 1:30 pm – 4:45 pm
Location: 145 E. 32nd Street, 9th Fl., NY, NY 10016
3 Continuing Education Credits/Contact Hours (APA, NBCC, New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work & Mental Health Counselors)
At least 30% of psychotherapy patients do not respond to even the most empirically supported treatments. We often label such patients as resistant. This workshop will explore the reasons why patients do not respond to treatment, including having multiple diagnoses, more serious psychopathology, a lack of motivation, alliance ruptures, counter transference, and therapists’ failure to deliver common factor or specific interventions faithfully. This workshop will focus on strategies to renew hope and return to the process of therapeutic change. The workshop will draw on what we now know about treatment failures and will focus on techniques from motivational interviewing; repairing alliance ruptures and other techniques from Rational-Emotive & Cognitive Behavior Therapy (RE&CBT).
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Rational-Emotive & Cognitive Behavior Therapy Professional Skills Development: The Basics
Leader: Kristene A. Doyle, Ph.D.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Time: 1:30 pm – 4:45 pm
Location: 145 E. 32nd Street, 9th Fl., NY, NY 10016
3 Continuing Education Credits/Contact Hours (APA, NBCC, New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work & Mental Health Counselors)
In this interactive workshop, participants will have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of REBT’s theory of emotional and behavioral disturbance. Techniques for identifying and restructuring irrational beliefs will be taught, as well as generating homework assignments to reinforce session content. Strategies for motivating clients to agree on the goals and tasks of therapy will also be discussed. A live demonstration with a volunteer will bring the theory and its applications to light.
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RE&CBT Strategies for Treating Anxiety in Adolescents
Leader: Michael Hickey, Ph.D.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Time: 1:30 pm – 4:45 pm
Location: 145 E. 32nd Street, 9th Fl., NY, NY 10016
3 Continuing Education Credits/Contact Hours (APA, NBCC, New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work & Mental Health Counselors)
Anxiety disorders are among the most frequently diagnosed class of disorders in adolescents. Anxiety can interfere with numerous areas of functioning among adolescents including peer and family relations, academic performance, and engagement in social activities. Fortunately, many highly effective, evidence-based interventions are available to practitioners working with this population. During this workshop, participants will learn how to identify symptoms of anxiety and how they manifest in an adolescent population with strong emphasis on developmental factors. Common activating events for adolescent anxiety will be reviewed and participants will learn how to tailor specific strategies based on Rational-Emotive and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (RE&CBT) effectively to treat anxiety in adolescents. Methods to build a strong therapeutic alliance and to enhance motivation and engagement in treatment will also be addressed.
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Time-Limited Social Anxiety Group
Led by: Michael Hickey, Ph.D. & Aliza Panjwani, M.A.
Dates: 10 Thursdays; March 28; April 4, 11, 18, 25; May 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, 2019
(10 sessions)
Location: 145 E. 32nd Street, 9th Fl., NY, NY 10016
Social anxiety is a common form of anxiety and can significantly interfere with the quality of life of many individuals. This 10-week social anxiety group will be based on the principles of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive Behavior Therapy (RE&CBT). Group members will learn to identify, debate, and replace their unhelpful thinking and beliefs that lead to social anxiety and to systematically confront their anxiety triggers. In a supportive atmosphere, group members will be able to discuss their unique difficulties with social anxiety and set personal goals. In group exercises and role plays will be utilized to prepare members to confront their fears outside of the office. Behavioral homework assignments will be collaboratively generated and reviewed on a weekly basis.
If you are interested in joining this group, please call 212-535-0822 and set up a group screening with one of our co-leaders.
Professional Trainings
Primary Certificate Practicum in Rational-Emotive & Cognitive Behavior Therapy
24 Contact Hours/CE Credits
Led by: Raymond DiGiuseppe, Ph.D. & Kristene A. Doyle, Ph.D.
Dates: June 21 – 23, 2019
Location: 145 E. 32nd Street, 9th Fl., NY, NY 10016
In this intense three day practicum, participants will learn the Rational-Emotive & Cognitive Behavior theory of emotional disturbance and change by leading REBT practitioners. Strategies for identifying and challenging clients’ dysfunctional beliefs and constructing more adaptive beliefs, emotions and behaviors will be a focus of the weekend. REBT’s conceptualization of emotions and Common Errors new REBT therapists make will also be presented. Participants will have the opportunity to practice their RE & CBT skills in small group supervision and receive immediate feedback from an experienced certified REBT supervisor.
Certificación Advanced en Terapia Racional Emotiva y Cognitiva Conductual (Advanced Practicum conducted in Spanish)
26 horas académicas / créditos CE
Docentes: Natalia Ferrero, Lic. Psy y Maria Celeste Airaldi, Lic. Psy
Fechas: Abril 25 – 28, 2019
ubicación: 145 E. 32nd Street, 9th Fl., NY, NY 10016
El certificado Avanzado es el segundo nivel de entrenamiento en Terapia Racional Emotiva & Cognitiva Conductual. Durante los cuatro días intensivos, los participantes aprenden diferentes estrategias para lograr el cambio cognitivo a través de una variedad de estilos de reestructuración de las creencias irracionales.
Advanced Certificate Practicum in Rational-Emotive & Cognitive Behavior Therapy
26 Contact Hours/CE Credits
Led by: Raymond DiGiuseppe, Ph.D. & Kristene A. Doyle, Ph.D.
Friday Night Live! @ AEI
See how leading REBT therapists help audience volunteers’ cope with their everyday problems, followed by questions and discussion. Difficulties addressed range from family, work and relationship issues. Demonstrations are guaranteed to be educational and stimulating!
Unable to Attend? Watch previously recorded sessions here
Albert Ellis Institute is proud to offer
Continuing Education/Contact Hours for Professionals
Albert Ellis Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Albert Ellis Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Albert Ellis Institute is approved by The State Education Departments State Board for Social Work.The Albert Ellis Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Albert Ellis Institute has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5145. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Albert Ellis Institute is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Albert Ellis Institute is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #0131.
Albert Ellis Institute is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Mental Health Counselors #MHC-0019.