Call for Guest Authors

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 13 Dec 24 in Announcements, Guest Author, Uncategorized, z1-SUN |

Call for Guest




We need

you! Please collaborate! 

From the beginning, I have regarded RETraining as a thriving community, a collaborative effort, not just a big sandbox for Rex to pontificate. Oh, do I ever love to pontificate . . . but it will take YOU to make REBTraing a world-class journal and a valuable contribution to REBT-CBT world and to wellness in general.  Please consider contributing as a guest author. It is easier than you think.


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You don’t have to write like Snoopy! 

to be a guest author on  REBTraining/REBTinfo. All that is required is to be literate and demonstrate an ability to express yourself at university level. And naturally we want you to have passion, enthusiasm and something interesting to say about REBT-CBT and related topics.  


Naturally, the closer to the “epicenter” of REBT-CBT-Mindfulness, the better.

However, we are a big tent and welcome thoughtful pieces about Positive Psychology, ACT, DBT, behaviorism and other approaches. We are also happy to receive thoughtful items about addictions and substance abuse; Stoicism, ePrime, General Semantics, rational thinking, rational living, critical thinking, wellness, self-improvement, assertiveness and social skills training, stress management.  Have a look at the sections listed on our bookshop to get an idea of some of the topics and areas you can write about.

Numbered lists (e.g., Ten ways REBT can help you have mind blowing orgasms!) are fashionable these days and a great way to organize your thinking. They seem to attract lots of readers.

Bullet points are good.

Comparisons of REBT-CBT with other approaches are great. Thoughtful criticism is fine as well.

Seasonal and topical subjects such as  How Travel is Good for Your Mental Health  or Stress-free Holidays are appropriate too.

Sharing first person accounts of your experience with a particular approach is always strong and popular.

Book and media reviews are most welcome. Did you happen to attend one of Jordan Peterson’s talks?  Tell us about it.  Did you see an example somewhere of emotional upset and bad behavior that REBT might have prevented?  Tell us about it.

Evergreen is best. Topical articles are OK, but obviously are short-lived. If you to submit a topical article, try to tie it into a broader cultural and historical context so that it does not appear stale when it is re-published.

Big Tent


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Benefits of being a guest author:

Greater exposure for your name, your writing, your brand, your website, your products and services.

When your article is published, an excerpt will appear at the top of our home page. It will gradually cycle down to the bottom of the list and then be archived to be republished to the top of the home page at random intervals. The link to your article will always remain “live” so that you may continue to share it with friends and colleagues as often as you like.

All of your posts will have a bio box like the one below with your name, photo, links to your website and social media plus a  brief bio. 

You will get that warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing that you are helping to expand your brand as well as the brand of REBTraining as well as REBT-CBT generally



Your bio box will look something like this and appear at the bottom of your posts. If you submit regular contributions, they will be listed under the “Latest Posts” tab.


Okay, okay. I want to be a guest author. So what do I do now?

These guidelines are not intended to be restrictive or off-putting. Rather, we hope that they will help you organize and focus your thinking and fit in nicely with our community

Read and agree to the terms and conditions in the box below.

Then, in the form at the bottom, 
    1) Fill in all of the required data,
    2) Upload a photo, 
    3) Finally upload your article as a Word doc,
    4) Click submit

Don’t worry, you will only ever have to do this one time. After that, you can just send your submissions by e-mail with your username.

750 – 1,500 words is ideal, but  less or more is OK as well.

Give it an attention-grabbing headline.

  When we receive your submission, it should be proofed, edited, polished and ready for publication.  

Don’t be “stuffy.”  It is fine to be casual and personal,  but please use Standard English at the university level. Your piece should be framed around one, main idea, and each thought should flow logically from one thought to the next. Edit, proofread, run your Spellcheck. Make sure your work employs correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.  

For your bio box, include as many of the details listed below as you prefer. Don’t include any info that you do not want to appear in your bio box.

Finally, and only when you are 100% satisfied, click your send button.


I’m dying here! I want to submit an article already! Click to skip to the sign-up form!

By submitting your work for publication, you understand and agree to the following”


As we said, these guidelines are not intended to be restrictive or off-putting. Rather, we hope that they will help you organize and focus your thinking and fit in nicely with our community

By sending us your submission you affirm that you have read and agree to our TOS / Terms of Service.

You certify that the material you are submitting is an original work created by you, and that you own the rights to submit it for publication. 

By doing so, you retain your copyright ownership, but also grant REBTraining / REBTinfo non-exclusive, unlimited rights to publish and distribute at our discretion in perpetuity.

We may accept or reject any submissions at our discretion for any reason whatsoever.

Your material should be proofed, edited, polished and ready for publication.  We will not edit your work, but occasionally may make minor changes for format and style and clarity

Mind the Golden Rule applies. Pretty basic stuff:  No fussing, no fighting, no cussing, no spamming, no scamming, no blaming, no flaming, no hating, no bating,  no name calling, no trolling, no doxing, no personal attacks. No pornography (Ah, shucks!) Just use good judgment, good taste, comport yourself like an adult and all will be well.



Please fill in all the required information in the form below. Don’t worry, you will only have to do this one time.  We need this in order to set up your guest author account and bio box.  After that, should you choose to submit additional articles (And we hope you do), you can send them by e-mail, and all the infor we will need is your username.


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We are grateful for your contributions to the REBT-CBT universe. Should you have any questions or there is anything I can do to be helpful, feel free to contact me 




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Originally posted 2020-02-22 10:40:51.

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