Understanding Androgyny

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 12 Feb 25 in Uncategorized, z-monthly |

Greetings Friend,

In recent years, the rise of woke trans-radicalism has led to a confusing and disorienting journey down the rabbit hole of postmodern semantics. These woke ideologues continuously introduce new semantic paradigms that take a significant amount of time for others to completely understand and decode, resulting in absurd contradictions and cognitive dissonance.

An example of this is the discrepancy in laws regarding cosmetic procedures for minors in the U.S. While it is illegal for minors to get a “nose job” or other cosmetic surgeries without parental consent, school systems and medical establishments collude with them to obtain “gender reassignment” treatments without their parents’ knowledge, consent or approval. This situation raises questions about exactly who or what is financing these costly procedures.  For all of that, in the U.S., minors may not legally obtain piercings without parental consent!

From a Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) perspective, demands often drive these preferences. However, I believe there is a deeper issue at play, which relates to the propagation of “woo-woo” ideas I have been writing about and harping on of late.  These ideas promote toxic beliefs, such as the subjectivity of truth (“my truth”) or the notion that reality can be altered by mere taking of thought or wishful thinking. In an attempt to fit the woke narrative, the inconvenient reality of biological sex being inherent in most species is rejected, and the concept of biological sex is reduced to being merely a social construct, open to change based on personal preference, or the bizarre notion of being born into the “wrong body.”

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At this point, should add my standard disclaimer, but one which I embrace entirely. I fully support adults’ freedom to express themselves through their choice of clothing, mannerisms, personas, and lifestyle. They should have the right to undergo surgeries and medical treatments if that aligns with their desires, without being stigmatized, discriminated against or disadvantaged. However, I refuse to accept that my own understanding of reality should be disrupted by assertions such as 2 + 2 equals 5, or that men can become pregnant, or that procedures and treatments can transform a man into a woman or vice versa. While individuals may strongly prefer or demand the ability to change their sex, surgery not make it a factual reality. It means that an individual has chosen to undergo very extreme “cosmetic surgery.” Nor does it mean that this “tribe” gets to demand that society adapt to their ideology and preferences by adopting coed bathrooms, sports, locker rooms, prisons, and other institutions and facilities traditionally segregated by sex.

Additionally, I agree with Thane Walker and others who champion the idea of androgyny. We all possess clusters of characteristics traditionally associated with both sexes. These characteristics can be more pronounced in one direction or relatively balanced in unique configurations. In extreme cases, they may result in exaggerated male or female stereotypes, such as John Wayne or Marilyn Monroe. However, one’s distribution of male and female characteristics is entirely independent of their biological sex or whether they have undergone sex reassignment procedures.

The woke trans-radicalism movement has created confusion through the introduction of new semantics and paradigms. While I support personal freedom and the expression of individual preferences, I will not disregard the biological realities that contradict certain rival woke narratives. It is crucial to strike a balance between understanding individuals’ choices and maintaining an accurate understanding of the world around us.



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Originally posted 2023-08-14 21:25:19.

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