What is important?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 2 Feb 25 in Homework, Values |

I love  this Tracey Ullman bit about regretting not posting more pictures of her lunch on facebook.  It’s funny and it’s timely but it raises important questions about what is important in life.

Watch this great video clip first.

It reminds me of a useful exercise that just takes a few minutes.  Imagine that, like the Tracey character, you are on your deathbed, lucid, pain-free and introspective. What things do wish you had done more of? 



           What is important?

Step 1: What things do you wish you had done less of?  For the purpose of the exercise, we are not talking about your “bucket list” of  marvelous-but-undone things such as climbing Mt. Everest.  Rather, keep it more ordinary and pedestrian.

Step 2 : Now for each of your two lists, arrange them in order of from what you consider  to be the most important to the least important


Step 3: What specifically can you begin doing today to act on your lists, to do more of what is important and less of what is not important?

Step 4 :  What did you learn from this exercise.  Do you have any insights about what you consider to be important and unimportant in life?

Step 5 :  We would love for you to share your experience in the box below.



The “trick” is identifying what is truly important to you, and then focusing more of your time, energy and resources doing that, and less time, energy, resources doing other things. It is so easy to say, but not so easy to actually accomplish and implement

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Originally posted 2018-12-08 05:17:36.

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