Why Some Psychotherapies Work Better Than Others


Great news!

New book by Dr.  Edelstein

Why Some Psychotherapies Work Better Than Others

Therapy Breakthrough: Why Some Psychotherapies Work Better Than Others
By Michael R. Edelstein, Richard K. Kujoth, David Ramsay Steele


Like no other book you have ever read, Therapy Breakthroughexplains clearly and vividly just what goes on in psychotherapy, why there are so many different systems of psychotherapy which disagree with one another, where these different schools of therapy came from, why psychotherapy is continually misrepresented in popular culture, and why, despite all this, psychotherapy gets good results, is improving all the time, and is superior to drugs in helping you solve your problems.

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From the Publisher

“Prepare to embark on a rollicking yet highly informative journey through the intense world of psychotherapy! In engaging style the authors, who respectfully dedicate their book to the memory of my beloved husband, present much substantial information, as well as making some assertions which may spark healthy controversy.”
-DEBBIE JOFFE ELLIS, PH.D., co-author (with Albert Ellis) of All Out! (2010) and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (2011)

If you have a rational mind – or would like to have one – Therapy Breakthrough will be indispensable in helping you see how Cognitive-Behavioral therapy can be used to make your life happier and healthier.”
-WARREN FARRELL, PH.D., bestselling author of Why Men Are the Way They Are

Therapy Breakthrough is a bold and instantly readable primer on the seismic shift in psychotherapy as seen from within the profession – and a helpful reminder of what is at the care of modern therapeutic techniques. It’s also a fun read!”
-NANDO PELUSHI, PH.D., New York clinical psychologist and contributing editor for Psychology Today


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which psychotherapists Edelstein (coauthor, Three Minute Therapy: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life), Richard K. Kujoth (Chess Is an Art), and David Ramsay Steele (From Marx to Mises: Post-Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation) strongly favor, addresses problems such as disturbed patterns of thinking, which are curable through teaching or thought correction. The case examples here are sometimes reduced to caricature to illustrate the difference between CBT and traditional psychotherapy—CBT is portrayed as all thinking, while psychotherapy is depicted as only feeling; even post-traumatic stress disorder is described as a kind of warped thinking. Chapter 10, “Heroes of the Revolution,” is a valuable history of CBT through the work of pioneer psychologists Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck, but Carl Rogers (client-centered) and Irvin Yalom (existential) are dismissed along with orthodox Freudians, with the implication that psychoanalysis has no cognitive element. VERDICT A book that makes light of Jerome Frank’s research on psychotherapy (Persuasion and Healing) cannot be recommended by this reviewer. Dynamic and cognitive therapies coexist and will continue to influence each other for the better.—E. James Lieberman, George Washington Univ. Sch. of Medicine, Washington, DC


 Donna Parker

Donna Parker rated it “Amazing!”

Once taboo, people now talk openly about their therapy, about getting help, etc. They even go on national TV to be blamed and shamed, the host handing them a monogrammed handkerchief to wipe their mascara-smeared tears away as they expose their innermost secrets for open consumption as people boo and clap and nod sympathetically. It’s like a modern Colosseum of anxiety

Sadly, a lot of what we think of as psychotherapy or therapy is derived from what we’ve been given on TV, at the movies, or in books, etc. While it can be vastly entertaining, it’s mostly outdated or riddled with myths and half-truths or worse.



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Originally posted 2013-09-12 19:25:16.

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