Website review: ABC Counselling

 Dr Jim Byrne, who was originally very influenced by the thinking and theories of Dr Albert Ellis, sets out to explore the childhood of Albert Ellis, to see how this skewed the development of Ellis’s notion of rationality, and his resistance to the idea of human emotional needs . . .” ABC-Counseling Originally posted 2013-06-14 04:53:54.


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New Feature: Read any good books lately?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 13 Jun 24 in Books & Media, Read any good books lately?, Regular Columns & Features |

Ready Any Good Books Lately? Your  Book, DVD & Media Review New Feature!   New Feature!   New Feature!   New Feature! Originally posted 2013-04-30 03:48:13.


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More “expliding teapot theory”

Sometimes people try to find ways to express their anger in a less dangerous    way…. Originally posted 2013-05-03 19:26:38.


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Four Albert Ellis Bestsellers for You.

Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 3 Jun 24 in Albert Ellis, Anger, Basics, Books & Media, Depression, Happiness, Read any good books lately? |

When you buy using these affiliate links, I get a small commission which keeps me in coffee, which keeps me working, which keeps me providing you with this content… Thank you! Here are four classic, best-selling  REBT titles by Dr. Ellis that will give you a solid foundation to begin your studies of REBT-CBT or […]



Review: A Guide to Rational Living

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 17 May 24 in Albert Ellis, Books & Media, Read any good books lately?, What is REBT - CBT? |

“A (New) Guide to Rational Living”     ~by Albert Ellis Read Phil’s excellent review         Originally posted 2013-04-30 06:35:25.


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How will I know if I am getting “real” CBT?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 13 Apr 24 in Books & Media, Read any good books lately? |

  How will I know if I’m getting ‘real’ CBT Judith Beck, PhD answers . . . Originally posted 2017-07-09 21:58:37.


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Read “Enlightenment Now” Now!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 23 Mar 24 in Books & Media, bookshop, Rational living, Rational Thinking, Read any good books lately? |

  If you read one book this year, read Steven Pinker’s “Enlightenment Now.” Please! More than any book I have read, this one exposes how the despair, nastiness, anger and masochism characteristic of today’s social-cultural-political climate is irrational, manufactured and simply based on incorrect information. ~Rex    Originally posted 2018-10-01 06:33:40.


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We want to hear from you!

  WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Look, I realize our banner must seem pretty demanding, but it really isn’t a “demand,” A just a strong preference! hehehehe . . .  Just a little (very little) REBT humor for you!   Originally posted 2017-06-20 06:30:54.



Why Some Psychotherapies Work Better Than Others

Great news! New book by Dr.  Edelstein Why Some Psychotherapies Work Better Than Others Originally posted 2013-09-12 19:25:16.


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