Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 2 Jun 24 in Books & Media, bookshop |
Will Ross taught himself how to use Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and taught many other REBT self-helpers. He is the author and publisher of online REBT self-help materials and the co-founder of the REBT Network, a major online resource for REBT practitioners, their clients, and students of REBT . . . 


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Will Ross

Will Ross
19XX – June 2015, author, blogger and purveyor
of http://www.rebtnetwork.org/

Will Ross taught himself how to use Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and now teaches other REBT self-helpers. He is the author and publisher of online REBT self-help materials and the co-founder of the REBT Network, a major online resource for REBT practitioners, their clients, and students of REBT. Will says

Over the years, I’ve created a number of self-help tools and written a number of articles designed to help people help themselves with REBT.

There’s nothing I enjoy more than teaching people how to enjoy Shameless Happiness by using the self-help techniques of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). Please note that I’m not a therapist. I taught myself how to use REBT. When Albert Ellis created REBT in the 1950’s, he created one of the first self-help therapies. Many people can teach themselves REBT as I did, but some people need extra help. That’s what I do: I tutor people who want extra help.”

Will Ross                                       |                         Will’s better half



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Originally posted 2019-04-30 05:20:38.

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