Windy Dryden [published over 200 books] is one of the leading practitioners and trainers in the UK in the Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) tradition of psychotherapy . . . Originally posted 2019-03-02 21:06:46.

Abraham Maslow, academic, Educator, Psychologist, Scholar was perhaps best known as one of the founders of humanistic psychology and for his famous hierarchy of needs . . . Originally posted 2019-04-25 03:38:23.

REBT-CBT Book Shop Now Open!
Our great REBT-CBT Bookshop is back, baby! We are open 24/7 and have some 200 titles on offer, hand-picked just for you! More titles will be added regularly. We also have gear, as well as a comprehensive selection of books about hypnosis as well as a large selection of hypnotic recordings on MP3 that you […]

Memory Improvement-Memory Training. OK, “I give up” you say, “What does memory improvement have to do with REBT-CBT”? Originally posted 2019-07-04 05:34:20.

Is “talk therapy” really limited?
In a recent discussion, someone wanted to know more about what I meant in a comment where I said that, in the end, all talk therapy is limited. Here is what I said: Originally posted 2014-05-09 20:11:21.

Donald R. Robertson, the author of six books including How to Think Like a Roman Emperor: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius. He is a CBT therapist, writer, and trainer . . . Originally posted 2019-03-04 04:40:41.

With love, for all of you Gloomy Gus, Swede Bashers, and Nattering Nabobs of Negativity . . . Originally posted 2019-06-05 20:35:40.