Call for app reviews!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 18 Oct 24 in Announcements, Apps & Software, Books & Media, Self help, Uncategorized |

Know of a good app for REBT-CBT or related?  

We would LOVE to have your review . . .



Hiya REBTmates!

I have been noticing a lot of CBT-REBT and related apps on Android these days. I assume the same is true with iPhone apps. Some of these look quite interesting. Unfortunately, smart phone apps are not really my “thing” and I don’t have time to devote to yet another project. So . . . It would be really great if you guys could check out some of these apps and then write a brief review or description in the comments form below.  Thanks for your support!

One of the main overarching intents of REBT Info is to provide a permanent, well-organized and cataloged archive of discussions and materials about CBT-REBT and related topics that is structured, categorized, searchable and always available to those who want to learn or want to share or need help. Facebook (et al) is great, but it is more like a “live” conversation.  Almost immediately after something is posted, is is gone,  and not so easily retrieved, just like a real F2F conversation. 


Visit Sam’s Waking Up Website for more information and to subscribe.  Waking Up is free to download, and offers access to the first 5 meditations for FREE. After that, just $14.99/mo. or $10.00/mo. paid annually. Rex recommends highly!

Posted as a public service. Rex receives
no compensation



How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable… by Albert Ellis


A Primer on REBT
by Windy Dryden

Practice REBT
Raymond DiGiuseppe



So we hope that REBT Info will be useful not only for what is happening now, but for the historical record and reference “library” we are building. How well that succeeds will mostly be you to you guys, how much you engage, participate, contribute, ask questions and otherwise make use of this resources.  To those of you who have been doing so along along, we are grateful. To those who have yet to jump in and actually participate, we extend a warm invitation.

Please, share your views of REBT-CBT and related Android, IPhone and other apps.  


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Originally posted 2016-06-19 21:36:26.

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