A reader is confused about labels and self-rating


Rate behavior . . . not self, and you are doing good ePrime and  on the right track for doing good REBT.  This process is even more comprehensible and user-friendly if you learn something about ePrime, which is not too much of a stretch  

ePrime not only discourages you, but actually prevents you from thinking/stating things such as “I am a failure!” and nudges you toward more sane and rational thinking/speaking along the REBT lines of

I failed.  It’s a bummer,
but not the end of the world.
It is a hassle, not a horror.
I can learn from the experience and do better next time.
But it does not make me
a failure



“I am a failure”  (and all the other negative I am a ______“) is depressing, discouraging, de-motivating, leads to unsound conclusions, poor judgment and bad decisions.  More important, it simply IS NOT TRUE.  There is no such thing as  A FAILURE. Note the article “a” deliberately included in the phrase.  In their books and writings, all the gifted  REBT-CBT-GS thinkers take great care to make this case and to walk you through the steps of how they arrived at this conclusion.  Many newbies,  I suspect, write it off as some kind of metaphor or positive thinking kind of thing.  But on the contrary, I  see is as  literal fact, as true and solid and  evident as the sun rising in the East.  There is no such thing as a failure.  Say it again!  There is no such thing as a failure! 

Now, if you can actually say it and understand how and why it is so, you are on your way!




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Originally posted 2013-07-17 02:39:22.

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