Don’t worry, be happy! :o}

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 29 Jun 24 in Happiness, job burn out, Perfectionism, Your Opinion Matters |
Don’t worry, be happy!” 
         ~Meher Baba
 Say what??? 


Hi REBT Mates!

There is (apparent) conflict between equally venerable traditions which emphasize doing and those which emphasize being.  Neither can be proven to be absolutely correct or incorrect.  However, frenetic, intense  physical and mental activity has gotten us  to the Moon (to use that as a symbol for all human progress, individually and collectively), but it comes at a terrible cost, and may ultimately bring us to the point of extinction. Why not? Plenty of species go extinct when they overpopulate, pollute their habituate and consume all available food and resources.

Meher Baba was an Indian spiritual master who said he was the Avatar, God in human form.

Be that as it may,  certainly all of us can  benefit from dropping out of the rat race from time to time to think about, appreciate, savor  being in the moment . . . whether that is for a few breaths several times a day,  or a few hours now and then,  or some sort of retreat once or twice a year.


“Happiness Trap” by Russ Harris is an excellent introduction to ACT : Acceptance & Commitment Therapy to learn something about mindfulness and how values affect our “happiness.”  Russ also makes the point that chasing after “happiness,” at least in the way that most of us use that word is a kind of trap . . . but one we can learn to escape from and come closer to discovering “true” happiness.

Mr. Natural   R.Crumb



Warm regards,
Khon Kaen, Thailand

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Originally posted 2013-06-28 05:05:49.

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