REBT vs. ACT ???

Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 16 Sep 24 in Books & Media, Happiness, Mindfulness, REBT & Other therapies compared |

  We have been discussing visualizing, specifically as it relates to “Scary Pictures” in Russ Harris’s wonderful, “Happiness Trap.” The individual says that he prefers ACT to REBT-CBT, but that he has difficulty visualizing and therefore difficulty applying  the techniques in the “Scary Pictures” section of Russ’s book. Originally posted 2014-04-28 05:04:37.


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Tony Burton is a friend and colleague and a regular contributor on facebook. Here he shares some of his insight and enthusiasm  about ACT and third wave behavior therapies. Thanks Tony!  ~Rex   Originally posted 2020-02-17 12:32:16.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 2 Jul 24 in Acceptance, Books & Media, bookshop, Mindfulness, Uncategorized |

Steven C. Hayes is the developer of ACT Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, author of 44 books and nearly 600 scientific articles, his career has focused on the understanding and alleviation of human suffering . . . Originally posted 2019-04-15 03:27:30.


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Don’t worry, be happy! :o}

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 29 Jun 24 in Happiness, job burn out, Perfectionism, Your Opinion Matters |

Don’t worry, be happy!”           ~Meher Baba  Say what???  Originally posted 2013-06-28 05:05:49.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 11 Jun 24 in Books & Media, bookshop, REBT & Other therapies compared |

Get to know Russ Harris . . . Originally posted 2019-04-11 20:45:35.


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  Click because you want to get to know about the “Third Wave Behavior Therapies” such as  (ACT, DBT, et al) Originally posted 2019-07-21 05:51:41.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 1 Apr 24 in Aaron Beck, Books & Media, bookshop |

Get to know more about Gary Emery, Ph.D., part of Aaron Beck’s team at University of Pennsylvania that developed CBT . . . Originally posted 2019-04-08 21:34:45.


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