Don’t worry, be happy! :o}

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 29 Jun 24 in Happiness, job burn out, Perfectionism, Your Opinion Matters |

Don’t worry, be happy!”           ~Meher Baba  Say what???  Originally posted 2013-06-28 05:05:49.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 11 Jun 24 in Books & Media, bookshop, REBT & Other therapies compared |

Get to know Russ Harris . . . Originally posted 2019-04-11 20:45:35.


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“Happy For Life” new Will Ross book

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 9 Jun 24 in Basics, Books & Media, Uncategorized |

One of my favorite REBT guys, the late Will Ross has talent for simplifying complex REBT concepts in a way that everyone can understand. I really envy that talent. Will’s little book,Happy for Life: Ten Key Strategies is a fine example of what I am describing.   Originally posted 2014-06-05 18:48:43.


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Happiness, is it real or is it Memorex?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 31 May 24 in Books & Media, Happiness |

  We have been talking about ‘happiness.’  Is it real  or a cruel, false hope propagated by self-help authors trying to peddle their books and seminars? Possibly a bit of both, me thinks. A reader quotes Will Ross’s website to help make his case for happiness   Originally posted 2012-11-14 22:17:42.


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Is “mindfulness” CBT or just distraction?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 7 May 24 in Mindfulness, REBT & Other therapies compared |

   In the context of a larger discussion we have been having  regarding “mindfulness” practices and CBT-REBT, a reader raises an important question about whether mindfulness constitutes a “distraction” or is it the antithesis of distraction?  Originally posted 2014-02-10 22:42:51.


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Is “happiness” possible or a cruel illusion?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 15 Apr 24 in Books & Media, bookshop, Happiness |

Good Morning REBT Mates! We have been discussing whether it is really possible to be “genuinely happy” or whether it is a cruel illusion, and what REBT has to say about happiness. Click to see the quote a reader shares  from the Dalai Lama     Originally posted 2012-11-12 17:46:32.


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REBT vs. ACT ???

Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 22 Feb 24 in Books & Media, Happiness, Mindfulness, REBT & Other therapies compared |

  We have been discussing visualizing, specifically as it relates to “Scary Pictures” in Russ Harris’s wonderful, “Happiness Trap.” The individual says that he prefers ACT to REBT-CBT, but that he has difficulty visualizing and therefore difficulty applying  the techniques in the “Scary Pictures” section of Russ’s book. Originally posted 2014-04-28 05:04:37.


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It takes courage to be happy in a sad world!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 11 Feb 24 in Acceptance, Depression, Happiness, Irrationality in the arts & media, suicide, ULA, UOA, USA |

   It takes courage to be happy in a sad world!  I wrote this yesterday for someone who struggles with depression.  While I reckon no one would ever accuse me of being Little Mary Sunshine, this is a message of hope, albeit expressed in an oblique way. Please share your thoughts and feelings. Originally posted […]


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