Don’t worry, be happy! :o}
Don’t worry, be happy!” ~Meher Baba Say what??? Originally posted 2013-06-28 05:05:49.

Get to know Russ Harris . . . Originally posted 2019-04-11 20:45:35.

“Happy For Life” new Will Ross book
One of my favorite REBT guys, the late Will Ross has talent for simplifying complex REBT concepts in a way that everyone can understand. I really envy that talent. Will’s little book,Happy for Life: Ten Key Strategies is a fine example of what I am describing. Originally posted 2014-06-05 18:48:43.

Happiness, is it real or is it Memorex?
We have been talking about ‘happiness.’ Is it real or a cruel, false hope propagated by self-help authors trying to peddle their books and seminars? Possibly a bit of both, me thinks. A reader quotes Will Ross’s website to help make his case for happiness Originally posted 2012-11-14 22:17:42.

Is “mindfulness” CBT or just distraction?
In the context of a larger discussion we have been having regarding “mindfulness” practices and CBT-REBT, a reader raises an important question about whether mindfulness constitutes a “distraction” or is it the antithesis of distraction? Originally posted 2014-02-10 22:42:51.

Is “happiness” possible or a cruel illusion?
Good Morning REBT Mates! We have been discussing whether it is really possible to be “genuinely happy” or whether it is a cruel illusion, and what REBT has to say about happiness. Click to see the quote a reader shares from the Dalai Lama Originally posted 2012-11-12 17:46:32.

REBT vs. ACT ???
We have been discussing visualizing, specifically as it relates to “Scary Pictures” in Russ Harris’s wonderful, “Happiness Trap.” The individual says that he prefers ACT to REBT-CBT, but that he has difficulty visualizing and therefore difficulty applying the techniques in the “Scary Pictures” section of Russ’s book. Originally posted 2014-04-28 05:04:37.

It takes courage to be happy in a sad world!
It takes courage to be happy in a sad world! I wrote this yesterday for someone who struggles with depression. While I reckon no one would ever accuse me of being Little Mary Sunshine, this is a message of hope, albeit expressed in an oblique way. Please share your thoughts and feelings. Originally posted […]