e-Prime: Roses seem red . . .

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 24 Sep 24 in e-Prime, General Semantics |

Hi REBT Mates! OK, let’s admit it, poetry is one of the few areas where e-Prime doesn’t work very well.  In fact, it sucks!  Moreover, it doesn’t help that Rex ain’t no poet!  Nonetheless, the basic principle in General Semantics is profound: There is no  red in the rose, the “red” is a sensation, a sensory impression created in consciousness. e-Prime is powerful and elegant because in e-Prime it is impossible to construct sentences such as “Roses are red,” and this pushes us closer to deeper “truths” not only about the nature of language and consciousness, but about the universe itself.


I have just published a page containing a lengthy, in-depth e-Prime tutorial by the mysterious Dan Scorpio. Although  I have not completely substituted Standard English with e-Prime, and don’t intend to, I have found that knowing and applying some of the fundamentals continues to accelerate and deepen my appreciation of REBT, informs my philosophy of life, and benefits me in many ways.  I strongly encourage my REBT Mates to learn something about it.

See Dan Scorpio’s superb Tutorial on E-Prime


Be warned, however, this is a serious, meticulous, in-dept tutorial, but well worth the investment if you are interested in e-Prime, General Semantics (GS) and REBT. Let us know what you think. Please share with others who may be interested. Look for my book coming out in Fall 2019, a user-friendly basic instruction in e-Prime for everyone.

To Be or Not:
An E-Prime Anthology
by David Bourland, Jr.

Selections From
Alfred Korzybski’s
Science and Sanity


One of the very few titles on E-Prime readily available  

Science and Sanity
Original 900 pages!
by Alfred Korzybski

Language Habits In Human Affairs
Irving J. Lee

  Rex gives 4 1/2 hearts!


The scarcity of titles on e-Prime is disappointing. To Be or Not: An e-Prime Anthology  by David Bourland, Jr., the originator of e-Prime is a good start and the only title available on Amazon that I know of.  Some others–not many–can be found on the Institute of General Semantics website bookshop. Another post I published on this website that you may find helpful, E-Primer Toward an Understanding of E-Prime


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Originally posted 2017-02-15 05:31:07.

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