Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 1 Jul 24 in Anger, Culture, internet addiction, social media |

Facebook, Twitter, et al benefit when you are pissed off! They like it when you are pissed off, angry, outraged, offended.  Watch this amazing 17 minute video and share your comments after . . .


Facebook, Twitter, et al benefit when you are pissed off!

The like it when you are pissed off, angry, outraged, offended.  They design their systems to insure that you are pissed off as much as possible. A handful of people working at a handful of tech companies steer the thoughts of billions of people every day, says design thinker Tristan Harris. From Facebook notifications to Snapstreaks to YouTube autoplays, they’re all competing for one thing: your attention. Harris shares how these companies prey on our psychology for their own profit and calls for a design renaissance in which our tech instead encourages us to live out the timeline we want.  . Watch this amazing 17 minute video and share your comments at the end.





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Originally posted 2019-05-22 07:11:23.

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