How to Keep People From Pushing Your Buttons!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 16 Jul 24 in Albert Ellis, Anger, Books & Media, bookshop, Demanding, Low Frustration Tolerance |

God knows, we all need this one these days!   Originally posted 2018-12-10 12:00:48.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 1 Jul 24 in Anger, Culture, internet addiction, social media |

Facebook, Twitter, et al benefit when you are pissed off! They like it when you are pissed off, angry, outraged, offended.  Watch this amazing 17 minute video and share your comments after . . . Originally posted 2019-05-22 07:11:23.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 24 Jun 24 in Anger, Demanding, Uncategorized |

       People and things do not upset us. Rather, we upset ourselves by believing that they can upset us.” ~Albert Ellis   Originally posted 2019-09-10 23:05:13.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 15 Jun 24 in Albert Ellis, Anger, Awfulzing, Books & Media, bookshop, damning, Uncategorized, Videos |

Originally posted 2019-03-14 20:12:41.


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More “expliding teapot theory”

Sometimes people try to find ways to express their anger in a less dangerous    way…. Originally posted 2013-05-03 19:26:38.


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Four Albert Ellis Bestsellers for You.

Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 3 Jun 24 in Albert Ellis, Anger, Basics, Books & Media, Depression, Happiness, Read any good books lately? |

When you buy using these affiliate links, I get a small commission which keeps me in coffee, which keeps me working, which keeps me providing you with this content… Thank you! Here are four classic, best-selling  REBT titles by Dr. Ellis that will give you a solid foundation to begin your studies of REBT-CBT or […]



It’s official! “Awfulize” is now a word!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 26 May 24 in Anger, Awfulizing, Awfulzing, Basics, Demanding, Demanding, Emotions, Low Frustration Tolerance, must |

Dr. Ellis coined the term “awfulize” by transforming the adjective “awful” into a verb. The language of REBT can sometimes sound a little contorted, especially when employing “ePrime,” in it’s preference for  using more verbs and adverbs than nouns and adjectives.  Now, it is official! “Awfulizing” has made it to the big time and is […]


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Disguised shoulds?

Greta Van Susteren,  former Fox News Analyst Are Greta’s “disguised shoulds” showing? We have been talking about the model of REBT where demanding (shoulds, oughts, musts, etc.) are at the root of disturbance.  I thought it might be a good occasion to reprise my concept of “disguised shoulds.” Originally posted 2014-10-01 06:33:55.


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Interview with Dr. Edelstein

  We are very pleased to be able to bring you an exclusive, in-depth discussion-interview with San Francisco psychologist,  Dr. Michael Edelstein, one of the pioneers of REBT and one of it’s leading proponents today, author of the now-classic “Three Minute Therapy,” and just out Therapy Breakthrough Without further ado, please enjoy “What are you telling yourself?  . . […]


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Pissed beyond all measure!!!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 26 Apr 24 in Anger, Awfulizing, Basics, Demanding, Uncategorized |

Have you ever been “pissed beyond all measure”? Are you ready for your morning REBT safari? Originally posted 2014-10-17 18:57:05.


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