Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 19 Jul 24 in Addictions, Culture, REBT & Other therapies compared, Uncategorized |

Lots of people are writing and speaking about internet addiction these days. I like Tim Pool because he is a “straight-shooter.” His reports are penetrating, precise and fair. In this video Tim explores  how internet addiction is something deliberately designed and exploited by the social media giants. Well-worth your 15 minutes . . .

Tim Pool
Published on May 16, 2019

Social Media Addiction Is Escalating The Culture War, BY DESIGN. Like counts, retweet counts, reply counts, all encourage and reward people for bad behavior. Journalists are being driven mad by Twitter and Facebook, they use formulaic ragebait content to drive viewership and push themselves to the fringe in order to constantly one-up themselves and the story.

Big Tech companies like Twitter, Instagram, etc likely know this is addictive but then why won’t they stop? Because it makes them money, it keeps us online.

We all need to take a break and we need to make changes if we want to reduce tensions. Free speech can be protected while still removing the gamified structures of these networks so we can simmer things down.”


Young adults (and plenty of not-so-young adults) are addicted to the Internet. No surprise there. It’s easy for parents and teachers, politicians and pundits to brush off Internet addiction as a harmless, inevitable consequence of the digital age, a small price to pay for carrying the information super-highway around in our pockets. But what if I told you that young adults (and plenty of not-so-young adults) are stuck in a feedback loop of digital sexual stimulation, addicted not just to the Internet but to pornography and social media?
And what if I told you that the consequences of these addictions may be quite dire—ranging from depression, anxiety and ADHD to sexual dysfunction and violence? And what if I told you that, as far as social media companies and pornography producers and anyone who advertises on the Internet is concerned, the feedback loop is exactly where we belong? This book pulls readers out of the matrix. Part manifesto, part autobiography, part self-help roadmap, Breaking the Feedback Loop is a concise, essential guide to porn and social media addiction written for young adults and anyone else suffering at the hands of the Internet 
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Are you addicted to your phone? Are you spending too much time on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Is the internet causing you to feel depressed, lethargic, and unmotivated?
If so, you’re not alone.
More people than ever are realizing their phones, laptops, and other devices are negatively impacting their quality of life. Their relationships are suffering. Their stress levels are increasing. Their sleep quality is in a tailspin. Many are even suffering chronic aches and pains.
Being constantly plugged in comes at a severe price.
Here’s the good news: there’s a simple way to enjoy a quieter, more relaxed daily experience. Take a vacation from technology.
In DIGITAL DETOX, Amazon bestselling author Damon Zahariades provides an effective, step-by-step plan.
Nothing is left to your imagination. Nothing is left unexplained. Every aspect, from the factors that led to your technology addiction to the life-changing benefits you’ll enjoy after taking a technology vacation, is detailed in this fast-moving action guide.
Creating a more rewarding lifestyle begins with giving yourself permission to disconnect.
Buy DIGITAL DETOX today to experience more creativity, less anxiety, and a boost of inspiration!
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A Proven, Step-By-Step Method To Overcome Internet Addiction Once And For All
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to successfully get through internet addiction. It is a self-help book which does not only tell you what to do once you learn you’re an internet addict, but also covers other necessary aspects of Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD). It would guide you from admission to complete recovery. Introduction Chapter 1: The Internet Chapter 2:Internet Addicts Chapter 3: Internet Addiction Disorder Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn..
Chapter 1: The Internet
Chapter 2:Internet Addicts
Chapter 3: Internet Addiction Disorder
Much, much more!
Purchase your copy today! Take action right away to Overcome Internet Addiction by purchasing this book “The Internet Addiction Cure:The Most Effective, Permanent Solution To Finally Overcome Internet Addiction For Life”. Tags: Internet Addiction, internet, overcome internet addiction, television addiction, addiction, porn addiction, overcome porn addiction, control internet addiction, steps to overcome internet addiction, social media addiction, overcome social media addiction, facebook addiction, overcome facebook addiction, twitter addiction, overcome twitter addiction
More info/Buy



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Originally posted 2019-05-17 03:50:30.

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