Website review: ABC Counselling

 Dr Jim Byrne, who was originally very influenced by the thinking and theories of Dr Albert Ellis, sets out to explore the childhood of Albert Ellis, to see how this skewed the development of Ellis’s notion of rationality, and his resistance to the idea of human emotional needs . . .” ABC-Counseling Originally posted 2013-06-14 04:53:54.


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Dr. Ellis, a wounded psychotherapist (???)

Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 1 Apr 24 in Albert Ellis, Books & Media, REBT & Other therapies compared |

  A Wounded Psychotherapist: The childhood of Dr Albert Ellis, and the limitations of REBT/CBT by Dr Jim Byrne Foreword This book represents an attempt to deconstruct Dr Albert Ellis’s story of his childhood . . .     Originally posted 2013-06-14 04:03:46.


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