New Feature: Your Opinion Matters!
We are starting a new regular column called “Your Opinion Matters!” While it is my hope is to post an article of value here every day, or at least mostly every day, that may be a bit naive on my part. I have a lot on my plate these days. The “of value” part is important because I am often frustrated reading blog posts and similar internet content that is clearly noting but “cotton candy,” filler and padding thinly disguised to appear as something useful. Reading such, you can tell the author is not really engaged with the material, and is merely posting to fill space and to try to entice the search engines; nothing but “internet parsley.”
As an example, I was watching one of the many little Fox Nooze “Extras” that the overseas cable audience gets instead of commercials. Some of them are interesting. This one was not. It was job hunting advice to new grads who are having difficulty landing a job. I can’t recall the exact wording, but something to the effect that it would be a good idea to amend your resume to highlight strengths and weaknesses that would appeal to specific employers. I kid you not! What a waste of 60 seconds!
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So, to avoid parsley and to help with the “heavy lifting” I am Opinion on you, dear readers to step up as Guest Authors, contributors to the Ask Rex feature, and to comment on the posts and articles you read here. Please.
To help with consistency and to make it clear this blog is a living, breathing, organic entity with real people driving the content, I am launching the “Your Opinion Matters” column. In this column, I will post a daily quote by Albert Ellis and others prominent in REBT-CBT and leave it up to you guys add comments by way of interpretation, agreement/disagreement, and in what ways you find the quote meaningful and helpful to you and your practice of REBT-CBT. I probably won’t participate much myself other than to post the quote.
I think it will be good. Please participate and enjoy!
Khon Kaen, Thailand
Originally posted 2013-04-29 05:40:18.
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- Dealing with Social Anxiety - Tue 11 Feb 25