Video : Albert Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)- Daniel Man of Reason

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 15 May 24 in Basics, Books & Media, Demanding, musty thinking |
I would like to share an excellent video by Daniel Phillip.  Dan’s short presentation impressed me because it  offers a clear and “user-friendly” introduction to REBT, and provides some insight into REBT’s emphasis on “musty” thinking and “awfulizing.” I would like to see many more voices explaining and expanding on REBT-CBT. 

Albert Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)- Daniel Man of Reason 

OK.  I hope you enjoyed the video.  Now, are you ready for your test?  Hehehe . . .
Toward the end of the video, Daniel concludes :


In order to change our emotions, we must change how we think and behave . . .”


What???  An REBT guy telling us that we “must” change how we think?  So, what’s going on here?  A slip of the tongue?  Is Daniel being lazy or sloppy in his use of language?  Or is this business of avoiding shoulds, oughts and musts in our thinking and speech overly fussy; fine in theory but not so important in practice.  Is Daniel’s use here correct or incorrect?  REBT kosher or taboo?  This isn’t a trick question.  There is a definite right or wrong answer and a clear explanation for why.





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Originally posted 2014-04-14 21:16:06.

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