Accentuate the Rational

Accentuate the Rational,   Eliminate the Woo–woo Originally posted 2019-01-18 00:00:32.


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What is REBT?

Posted by Will Ross on Mon 22 Jul 24 in Acceptance, Basics, Guest Author, Guilt & Shame, Happiness, Rating, ULA, UOA, USA, What is REBT - CBT? |

This post is pinned to the top. Scroll down for recent posts REBT / Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy What the hell is it, anyway??? Click the blue  link below  for Will Ross’s excellent, easy-to-follow explanation . . . Originally posted 2013-03-27 18:01:44.


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Not fair!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 3 Jul 24 in Basics, Culture, Entitlement, Low Frustration Tolerance |

Originally posted 2018-12-14 21:39:16.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 3 Jul 24 in Basics, Books & Media, bookshop, Uncategorized, Videos |

With love, for all of you Gloomy Gus, Swede Bashers, and Nattering Nabobs of Negativity . . .   Originally posted 2019-06-05 20:35:40.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 1 Jul 24 in Albert Ellis, Basics, Books & Media, bookshop, REBT, Uncategorized |

Albert Ellis, founder of REBT and one of the most influential psychotherapist s in history   Originally posted 2019-04-08 06:21:26.


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Dr. Ellis speaks on accepting self and others.

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 28 Jun 24 in Acceptance, Albert Ellis, Basics |

  This is part of audio talk of Dr.Albert Ellis on Unconditionally Accepting Yourself and Others   Originally posted 2015-08-10 04:30:59.


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Is keeping emotions “bottled up” dangerous?

In my callow and shallow youth, I used to subscribe to the “teapot model” of emotions.  You know, our emotional systems are like teapots with water boiling, generating steam and pressure.  If the steam does not have an outlet, or the outlet becomes overwhelmed by too much steam expanding too quickly . . . POW !!!  Explosion […]


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 19 Jun 24 in Albert Ellis, Basics, REBT, REBT & Other therapies compared |

Read the Wikipedia article about REBT Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy    Originally posted 2017-10-23 06:52:38.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 17 Jun 24 in Basics, Books & Media, Uncategorized |

 Raymond A. DiGiuseppe, Ph.D., ABPP,  Professor of Psychology and Chair of the Institutional Review Board, has studied anger as a clinical problem and has promoted the recognition of anger as a form of psychopathology . . .  Originally posted 2019-03-03 17:41:23.




Only understand REBT “intellectually”?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 13 Jun 24 in Basics, Disputing, Emotions, Rational Thinking, REBT & Other therapies compared, Uncategorized |

  What if you only understand your REBT process “intellectually”? I am not as warm & fuzzy as Will Ross is on this point . . .   Originally posted 2013-11-27 03:09:37.


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