Avoid shoulds, oughts, musts!
HOMEWORK Avoid using moralistic, absolutist “shoulds”, “oughts”, “musts”, et al. We don’t want to be rigid and dogmatic in this (and in all things). While keeping in mind there are perfectly innocuous uses of “should”, “ought”, “must”, it is nonetheless an excellent discipline to make the effort to avoid them, and to monitor yourself using […]
Video : Albert Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)- Daniel Man of Reason
I would like to share an excellent video by Daniel Phillip. Dan’s short presentation impressed me because it offers a clear and “user-friendly” introduction to REBT, and provides some insight into REBT’s emphasis on “musty” thinking and “awfulizing.” I would like to see many more voices explaining and expanding on REBT-CBT. Originally posted 2014-04-14 21:16:06.
Is a “Happy-go-lucky” attitude an answer to anxiety?
How do we deal with anxiety about the future of a son who is not doing well in high school? Originally posted 2014-07-13 03:53:10.
Should you read this?
HOMEWORK CHALLENGE Are you conscious of how and when you use the words should, must, ought, etc? Will you take the homework challenge this week? Originally posted 2018-09-02 18:11:21.
Tyrany of the Shoulds
In recent discussion, Amanda said : Going out for dinner is a choice, bleeding monthly is not, [therefore] it should be covered by our health care” Originally posted 2017-01-23 04:52:14.
Whine! Whine! Whine!
Dr. Ellis loved making fun of his and our distorted thinking and irrational behavior with humorous rational songs, and limericks. Humor is, of course, fun, but also very powerful in helping us break the bonds of our irrational thinking. Here is a special video by Dr. Ellis singing his famous “Whine! Whine! Whine!” song […]
To achieve anything in life, you have to make it a “must” ???
We have been having a fascinating, wide-ranging discussion which I think boils down to a few basic-but-important questions: 1. Is it necessary to avoid shoulds, oughts, musts and why’s? in everyday speech? 2 What is the difference between “task-perfection” and “self-perfection.” 3. Can we be motivated without . . . Originally posted 2013-02-25 23:01:10.
Three musts which hold us back
Originally posted 2017-06-03 04:17:41.