Dr. Ellis speaks on accepting self and others.

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 28 Jun 24 in Acceptance, Albert Ellis, Basics |


This is part of audio talk of Dr.Albert Ellis on Unconditionally Accepting Yourself and Others


Hi REBT Mates!  

This is part of audio talk of Dr.Albert Ellis on Unconditionally Accepting Yourself and Others

Might as well hear it directly from the horse’s mouth, as it were. We are most fortunately to live in this modern age where the treasure of Dr. Ellis’s ideas is preserved for posterity.  We intend to post more of these videos in due course, perhaps create a “videos” section or library here.






How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable…
by Albert Ellis




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Originally posted 2015-08-10 04:30:59.

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