Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 17 Nov 24 in Anxiety, hypnosis, Social Anxiety, z-15 |


Shyness-Social Anxiety
are not a joke!
But you CAN overcome them!

Shyness-Social Anxiety
are not a joke!
But you CAN overcome them!

Hypnosis can provide an invisible security blanket allowing you to develop social ease and overcome shyness

It’s really frustrating and upsetting to see people around you enjoying themselves, easily talking and laughing with each other, and to feel completely left out.

Shyness and social anxiety can affect anyone, and it can really make social occasions difficult. It can make you feel tongue-tied and awkward, lost and inadequate.

You may long for the ground to swallow you. Or for a magic wand to transform your shyness into confidence and ease.

Does social ease really exist?

Social anxiety is much more common than many people realize. Even people who look very confident and outgoing can be feeling terrified inside. They may just be better at hiding it.

Which begs the question – is there really such a thing as true social ease? Are all those happy laughing people ‘just pretending’? Is the solution to social discomfort just to get better at acting confident?

Putting on a social ‘act’ to overcome shyness

Well, it is true that acting ‘as if’ you already felt confident and at ease can help you handle social situations and work situations more comfortably. This is known as the ‘fake it till you make it’ approach, and it is quite effective.

If you model yourself upon someone you know who is socially skilful, and do what they do, you will find that it gets easier for you too.

For some people, improving their ‘act’ will be enough to carry them into genuinely feeling at home in company. For others, there may still be a residue of discomfort and anxiety behind a competent social exterior, which may detract from real social enjoyment. This generally comes from having learned the right behaviors, but still being caught up in the old attitudes.

Why shyness seems to cling to some people

You see, to be truly at ease and comfortable associating with other people, in all sorts of different situations, you need to feel that you are on a par with everyone else. You have as much right to be there, and to speak and be heard and enjoy yourself, as anyone else.

If you notice that you more regularly feel the ‘odd one out’, or convinced that no one could like you or be interested in you, it indicates that something is amiss.

But what is wrong?

Shyness is a natural part of growing up, which most people eventually come through as they mature into more confident adults.

But the high emotions surrounding socializing when you are young can have a ‘conditioning’ effect which can make you respond to social events with fear instead of excitement and pleasure. Over time, this response becomes automatic and can start to feel as if it is part of your ‘identity’ – and fixed.

But it isn’t fixed.

Shyness is how and not who – and so it can be changed

Responding to social situations with anxiety or shyness is not ‘who you are’, but only what you have ‘learned to do’. It feels ‘normal’ to you not because it is part of your identity, but because it is what you regularly do.

In short, it has become a habitual behavior. And although habits can feel as if they are hard to change, your brain is actually adept at updating such apparently instinctive patterns.

Using hypnosis to overcome shyness successfully and easily

Overcoming Shyness and Social Anxiety is an audio hypnosis session which uses the power of hypnosis to help re-educate your unconscious mind (the part which holds instinctive, patterned behaviors).

Listening to this session will allow your unconscious mind to let go of old, unhelpful socializing patterns and adopt new and fruitful patterns which will make your social life immensely more enjoyable and rewarding.

Using hypnosis, shyness can melt away, creating new patterns which will enable you to experience real social ease and go beyond just putting on a good performance.

Each time you listen to Overcoming Shyness and Social Anxiety you will notice that:

  • you surprise yourself with your spontaneity with other people
  • you feel so much more relaxed in all kinds of social situations
  • your old anxiety just doesn’t seem to happen any more
  • you really start to enjoy socializing

Download Overcoming Shyness and Social Anxiety now and start enjoying being with other people. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app that you will be able to access when you have completed your purchase


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Originally posted 2020-02-22 10:45:38.

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