Dealing with Social Anxiety

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 20 Jul 24 in Acceptance, Anxiety, Paradoxical cures, Social Anxiety, Uncategorized |

      Shy isn’t a joke! Originally posted 2013-04-22 21:06:21.


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Is a “Happy-go-lucky” attitude an answer to anxiety?

How do we deal with anxiety about the future of a son who is not doing well in high school? Originally posted 2014-07-13 03:53:10.


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Social phobia since adolescence

Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 6 May 24 in Social Anxiety |

Q: This person shares about suffering from social phobia since adolescence . . .    Originally posted 2012-07-20 04:06:07.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 2 May 24 in Aaron Beck, Anxiety, Books & Media, bookshop, David Burns, Depression |

     David D. Burns, author of the now-classic, Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy was Part of Beck’s team that developed CBT at the University of Pennsylvania in the 1980s . . . Originally posted 2019-02-26 22:11:09.


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Interview with Dr. Edelstein

  We are very pleased to be able to bring you an exclusive, in-depth discussion-interview with San Francisco psychologist,  Dr. Michael Edelstein, one of the pioneers of REBT and one of it’s leading proponents today, author of the now-classic “Three Minute Therapy,” and just out Therapy Breakthrough Without further ado, please enjoy “What are you telling yourself?  . . […]


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 23 Apr 24 in Anxiety, hypnosis, Social Anxiety, z-15 |

  Shyness-Social Anxiety are not a joke! But you CAN overcome them! Originally posted 2020-02-22 10:45:38.


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What do do when the meds don’t work?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 18 Apr 24 in Anxiety, Depression, medication |

 What do do when the meds are not working? A loyal reader complains that the meds his pshrink is prescribing for anxiety are not helping. Originally posted 2015-08-15 17:21:33.


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How much stimulation is enough?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 17 Apr 24 in Anxiety, Cognitve (Behavior) Therapy, phobias |

  Do you find roller coasters and “thrill rides” to be stimulating and exciting or frightening and enervating?    Originally posted 2016-05-18 21:55:56.


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Let’s all become Mr. Spock and get rid of emotions! . . .       Not!!!  Not ??? Originally posted 2013-03-26 22:07:14.


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Please don’t catastrophize over politics!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 23 Mar 24 in Anxiety, Awfulizing, Awfulzing |

It’s not as bad as you think!  . . .  Or is it ??? Originally posted 2018-11-15 19:37:25.


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