Racism and REBT

Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 21 Nov 24 in General Semantics, Racism & other "isms" |


On one of the online forums, we have have been having a heated discussion about the latest inflammation in the Middle East and the recent fighting between Israel and Palestine.  The label and accusation of  “racism” has been hurled by both sides.


It is hardly “just semantics.” And it is not just about using right or wrong language. If I were talking about over-generalization as merely Emily Postian errors in social etiquette, there would be no problem. The problem is that over-generalization, exaggeration, demanding, “people rating,” name calling and other distorted semantics inflame people individually and collectively, which propels them to violence and then allows them to justify that behavior . . .  and to do it again . . . and again.

This is not the forum to get too deeply into the issue of General Semantics, but let me point out the irony of inflaming oneself by distorted semantics (Jews are greedy! Jimbob is a racist! Fred is a fascist! Fanny is a failure! The Khon Kaen Forum sucks!) presents a great irony as there is no evidence that can support the validity or truth of any of these generalizations! They are illusions, but illusions that produce misery and death.” Click to see a more detailed article I wrote about e-Prime not long ago.





Khon Kaen, Thailand



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Originally posted 2012-11-17 16:47:48.

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