Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 12 Apr 24 in Albert Ellis, quotes, Rational Thinking, Religion, Superstition |

The enigmatic wisdom of Deepak Chopra

For more of Deepak’s “Deep Thoughts” and adventures in woo, see Tom Williamson’s  The enigmatic wisdom of Deepak Chopra






The secret of the universe arises and subsides in the light of fulfillment”


Evolution depends on an abundance of miracles”


Mice are plants”



The soul unfolds into infinite excellence”



The cosmos undertakes quantum truth”



A formless void is the womb of potential choices” 



Your consciousness is inherent in visible human observation”


Actually, these are not “quotes,” exactly. They are words from Deepak Chopra Twitter feed strung together to form sentences.  For more, see The enigmatic wisdom of Deepak Chopra





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Originally posted 2018-12-17 20:51:45.

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