You can be better…

Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 8 Jul 24 in quotes |

Originally posted 2018-11-30 02:43:56.


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Quote Dr. Ellis

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 6 Jul 24 in Albert Ellis, quotes |

“The art of love is largely the art of persistence.”      ~Albert Ellis Originally posted 2016-03-12 23:46:45.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 20 May 24 in Albert Ellis, quotes, Uncategorized |

“The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide . . . “   Originally posted 2020-01-17 09:44:13.


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“Thank Goodness I’m Alive” by Daniel Dennett

After suffering a heart attack, Daniel Dennett, American philosopher, writer and cognitive scientist “Thank goodness I’m alive!”   Originally posted 2017-08-12 05:45:35.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 4 May 24 in quotes |

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. ~Leo Tolstoy Originally posted 2019-02-09 05:23:07.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 21 Apr 24 in quotes, Rational living, Rational Thinking |

Even though I don’t I don’t think I’ll convert the world to rationality, I may influence an occasional person here and there. And every small addition to the sum total of rationality is precious.                      ~Isaac Asimov -1988″ Originally posted 2017-07-28 07:02:06.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 12 Apr 24 in Albert Ellis, quotes, Rational Thinking, Religion, Superstition |

The enigmatic wisdom of Deepak Chopra For more of Deepak’s “Deep Thoughts” and adventures in woo, see Tom Williamson’s  The enigmatic wisdom of Deepak Chopra Originally posted 2018-12-17 20:51:45.


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Beck on solving problems

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 3 Apr 24 in Aaron Beck, quotes |

The stronger person is not the one making the most noise but the one who can quietly direct the conversation toward defining and solving problems.                                                              […]


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Stoic Philosophy and REBT

  The gods have released you from accountability for your parents, your siblings, your body, your possessions – for death and for life itself. They made you responsible only for what is in your power – the proper use of impressions. So why take on the burden of matters which you cannot answer for? You […]


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 18 Mar 24 in quotes, REBT & Other therapies compared |

  The beginning of wisdom is learning to call a thing by its right name. ~Confucius, Chinese social philosopher and politician, 551-479 B.C., whose teachings deeply influenced East Asian life and thought. Originally posted 2019-05-23 21:04:41.


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