Is rational always logical???


Skywalker speaks!

Is rational always logical?  

Skywalker comments:


Posting on another topic, “Skywalker” in Thailand shares some ideas about rationality and logic which does a nice job of highlighting the confusion this issue raises for most people, and gives us the opportunity to demonstrate how elegantly REBT clears up this confusion. Thanks for sharing, Skywalker!


I’m all for logic…no problem there. Religion? Hmmmmm. Both have serious limitations. I’m quite agnostically content straddling the fence with one nut on either side. I used to read books and I recall this passage…”…a Spirit of the Universe underlying the totality of all things…”. What a wonderfully non-religious definition of “god”. That’s how I roll. f**k rationality & religion…but there’s something out there far greater than me.

Spirit moves through all things…and it fucking rocks, dude!”




“Rational” and “logical” overlap, and rational tends to be inherently logical, they are not necessarily the same thing.  REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) uses the word “rational” in a special way which to me seems a lot more functional and practical than the way most people understand and use it.   In REBT, the word “rational” is probably more related to “helpful” than to logical.  If our thinking, emoting and  behaving leads us to getting more of what we want and less of what we do not want, more happiness, more fulfillment, then we say that thinking,  emoting and behaving is rational.   If it leads us self-defeating, unrewarding, self-sabotaging behavior, then from the standpoint of REBT it is irrational.




Rational (thinking, emoting and behaving) is indeed rational if

1. It reflects reality; that which is so.

2. It is inherently logical and cohesive

3. It helps us to reach our goals

4. It leads to healthy emoting

5. It is rewarding, fulfilling and produces more happiness: In other words helps us to get more of what you want and less of what you do not what.

Irrational (thinking, emoting and behaving) is indeed irrational if

1. It distorts reality, is superstitious

2. It is illogical.

3. It prevents us from reaching our goals.

4. It leads to unhealthy emotions, less happiness, more misery

5. It leads to self-sabotaging, self-defeating, unrewarding behavior.

As social animals–even the most independent of us–had better accept the fact that we live within a social group (and that group exists within other social groups,  and if we hope to get more of what we want and less of what we do not want, we had better learn to relate to, get along with and engage successfully with other humans.   It is only rational to do so.  And by this light, antisocial behavior (especially extreme antisocial behavior such as violence, criminality, excessive disregard for what happens around us and happens to others) is irrational.

REBT supports healthy short-range and long-range hedonism, and encourages individuals to find the correct balance between short and long-range “selfishness” which brings maximum happiness and fulfillment, and minimal misery, frustration and disappointment.

What do you think?

Warm regards,

Khon Kaen, Thailand



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Originally posted 2013-09-09 04:28:03.

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