More than 20 titles by Dr. Ellis now available on Kindle

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 22 Jun 24 in Books & Media |

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Good Morning REBT Mates!

Due to low vision and probably something of a learning disability, I don’t read paper anymore, so . . .

Digital has been a blessing because I can increase the font size to make reading possible and (somewhat) comfortable. More recently, I have gotten into TTS (text-to-speech), another miracle, which reads books to me as I go on my morning bicycle ride. I would say that the best voices now sound about 95% human and natural. Very impressive!


How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable…
by Albert Ellis



Anyway, when I first got into eBooks, very little of what I wanted to read was available online. Nothing at all by Albert Ellis. However, this morning, I was pleased to discover that more than 20 titles by Dr. Ellis are available as Kindle editions. I don’t see “Guide…” there but I have already had my elf scan and convert it to ePub for me. There is also some book hiding amongst them with the shameless title “A Guide to Shameless Happiness” by a guy named Will Ross, which I look forward to reading.



It is very encouraging to see that now Kindle (et al) is reaching back into the archives and digitizing older titles.

I am going for my bicycle ride. Have a great day!


Khon Kaen, Thailand



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Originally posted 2012-11-14 22:32:58.

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