Distorted thinking is at the root of “neurosis”

Distorted thinking

Distorted thinking results in distorted “self image,” disturbed emoting, unrewarding behavior.

“Much of what we call emotion is nothing more or less than a certain kind – a biased, prejudiced, or strongly evaluative kind – of thought.”

                                 ~Albert Ellis, Rational Psychotherapy and Individual Psychology


The intimate relationship between thinking, emoting and behaving is one largely ignored by most forms of psychotherapy. The idea advanced by REBT that by challenging our nutty, irrational thinking, we can reduce or eliminate or avoid disturbed emoting, prodding us toward more rewarding, fulfilling behavior is as radical today as it was when Dr. Ellis first began talking about it in the 1950s.  
If you want to learn something about General Semantics, one of the first things you need to do is rid yourself of the idea that it has anything to do with the discipline of semantics as we usually understand the term.
If you want to stop hurting, you can, if you choose, learn to identify, challenge, dispute and replace the irrational beliefs (IBs), distorted thinking and unhelpful, automatic self-talk which provokes disturbed emoting which leads toward self-defeating, unrewarding behavior.
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Originally posted 2016-03-08 20:20:42.

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