What is REBT?

Posted by Will Ross on Mon 22 Jul 24 in Acceptance, Basics, Guest Author, Guilt & Shame, Happiness, Rating, ULA, UOA, USA, What is REBT - CBT? |

This post is pinned to the top. Scroll down for recent posts REBT / Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy What the hell is it, anyway??? Click the blue  link below  for Will Ross’s excellent, easy-to-follow explanation . . . Originally posted 2013-03-27 18:01:44.


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Is keeping emotions “bottled up” dangerous?

In my callow and shallow youth, I used to subscribe to the “teapot model” of emotions.  You know, our emotional systems are like teapots with water boiling, generating steam and pressure.  If the steam does not have an outlet, or the outlet becomes overwhelmed by too much steam expanding too quickly . . . POW !!!  Explosion […]


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Will REBT make you a “Pollyanna” ???

 Will practicing REBT turn you into a Pollyanna ??? Originally posted 2016-12-30 03:55:27.


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How to deal with a hen-pecking boss

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 31 May 24 in Awfulzing, Basics, Books & Media, Demanding, job burn out, What is REBT - CBT? |

Boss Mr. Dithers bullies employee Dagwood”Blondie” comic strip King Features Syndicate, 1930s Does the usual advice for improved communications skills and more assertiveness help us to deal with a boss who bullies?   Originally posted 2016-03-11 21:21:31.


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Review: A Guide to Rational Living

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 17 May 24 in Albert Ellis, Books & Media, Read any good books lately?, What is REBT - CBT? |

“A (New) Guide to Rational Living”     ~by Albert Ellis Read Phil’s excellent review         Originally posted 2013-04-30 06:35:25.


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Distorted thinking is at the root of “neurosis”

  “Much of what we call emotion is nothing more or less than a certain kind – a biased, prejudiced, or strongly evaluative kind – of thought.”                                  ~Albert Ellis, Rational Psychotherapy and Individual Psychology   Originally posted 2016-03-08 20:20:42.


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Ten Cognitive Distortions & Four IB’s

REBT-CBT is built on the premise that we all make fundamental mistakes in the way we think about ourselves, other people and life in general, and that these mistakes (irrational beliefs and cognitive distortions) are the real cause of (virtually all) of our misery and dysfunction and failure. This is so important!   Continue reading to see […]


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Is Anything Truly Awful? Originally posted 2014-10-16 07:25:31.


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REBT, Mindfulness, Behaviorism potpourri

  From Vipasana to Zen to Mindfulness to CBT-REBT to Acceptance to the “Third Wave” of behaviorism, to Tourette’s (and maybe a few comments about the kitchen sink as well) Originally posted 2015-07-05 04:09:57.


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Broadening the appeal of REBT CBT?


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