Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 2 Nov 24 in Books & Media, bookshop, Procrastination, Time management, Uncategorized |

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Time Mangment

Time management is something of a misnomer. It is really more about self-management with regard to planning, scheduling, prioritizing, and follow-through.

Planning, scheduling, prioritizing are practical skills that can be taught, learned and practiced. Follow-through–doing what it is that is planned–falls more under self-management. REBT has always been a multimodal approach teaching clients practical, life-skills as well as dealing with the dysfunctional thinking, emoting and behaving that may be interfering with clients applying and making good use of the practical side. This often involves issues such as procrastination, motivation, various fears and anxieties, and self confidence.  We offer a few hand-picked titles to help you deal with both the therapeutic as well as the practical aspects of time management.

Time management can be likened to a sub-set of REBT-CBT in the same sense that assertive training/social skills training is.

Bottom line, REBT-CBT teaches people how to better manage their thinking, emoting and behaving; in other words, to manage themselves.

This is bound to lead to better time management. Learning some good time management skills and systems can enhance the process.



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This classic is as fresh and relevant today as it was when it was first published.

Please ask the publisher to release this important classic on Kindle.










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Originally posted 2019-07-23 04:40:08.

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