Please don’t catastrophize over politics!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 23 Mar 24 in Anxiety, Awfulizing, Awfulzing |

It’s not as bad as you think!

 . . .  Or is it ???

Many people feel that have a lot at stake in the runup to the U.S. 2020 presidential election.  Remember, please; disappointing results are disappointing, but NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Catastrophizing can very very painful and destructive.  REBT is the most direct way to keep from upsetting yourself over situations outside of your control.  Hypnosis can be a great working partner with REBT. I use it.  If–like all of us–you tend to catastrophize, here is a download I highly recommend. Safe, gentle and rational.  Message me with an questions.

            It’s not as bad as you think

Use deep relaxation and calm to give you distance and perspective on your worries. Are you prone to catastrophizing? This gentle hypnosis download It’s not as bad as you think will re-educate your unconscious mind to reduce anxiety around uncertain situations and help you expect the best. Possibly more important, it will make it easier for you to do proper REBT-CBT disputing. 
Click for more info or download


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Originally posted 2018-11-15 19:37:25.

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