REBT-CBT Book Shop Now Open!
Our great REBT-CBT Bookshop is back, baby! We are open 24/7 and have some 200 titles on offer, hand-picked just for you! More titles will be added regularly. We also have gear, as well as a comprehensive selection of books about hypnosis as well as a large selection of hypnotic recordings on MP3 that you […]

Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology. He is best known for his theories of the Collective Unconscious, including the concept of archetypes, and the use of synchronicity in psychotherapy . . . Originally posted 2019-04-16 03:46:54.

Hi REBT Mates! Please remember our fantastic little bookshop growing with more than 200 REBT-CBT, mindfulness, hypnosis, biofeedback and related titles, as well as some primo gear hand-chosen especially for you. These items make wonderful gifts and are a great way to support REBTraining and by extension, REBT as a whole. Thank you for your […]