Politically Correct vs. Free Speech? What on Earth could REBT have to say about “political correctness” vs. free speech? Originally posted 2014-06-25 07:11:21.



“Beat me!” pleaded the masochist.

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 20 Jul 24 in communication, Self-interest |

Beat me!” pleaded the masochist.    Originally posted 2017-04-07 17:38:54.


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Enlightened self-interest???

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 24 Apr 24 in Living in a social group, Self-interest |

 . . .  human beings had better mind the fact that they live in a social world and that a philosophy of self-interest, where a person places him or herself first, also implies putting others a close second.  The Practice of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy”                      […]


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