Assert your right to make a few mistakes!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 11 Jul 24 in criticism, mistakes, Perfectionism |




How do you feel about making mistakes?  How do you deal with others when they make mistakes?  Please click the blue link below to join the discussion and share your ideas.

Noun: mistake
1. A wrong action attributable to bad judgment, ignorance or inattention
2. An understanding of something that is not correct
3. Part of a statement that is not correct


1. What does “to make a mistake” mean to you?  
2, How do you feel when you make a mistake?  
3. What do you tell yourself about it?  
4. What do you do about it?

5. How do you feel when others make a mistake?
6. What do you tell yourself about it?  
7. What, if anything, do you tell the other person?  
8. What do you do about it?


Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy
by David Burns


How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable… by Albert Ellis



If your answers to the two sets of questions are very different,  you may be being hyper-critical of yourself or or others., and would benefit from working on USA and UOA (Unconditional Self-acceptance and Unconditional Other-acceptance) areas of emphasis which REBT considers particularly important to a happy, healthy life. 

What do you think?  Share your thoughts in the box below.  We LOVE hearing from you!



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Originally posted 2017-06-25 21:39:45.

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